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题目:论名人广告对受众的影响 摘 要 名人广告在当今的社会中逐步发展壮大,其对消费者的影响有积极的,亦有消极的。如今的消费者趋于理性,若想取得满意的广告效果,需对受众的心理及给受众造成的各种影响进行分析。名人广告的心理学现象体现了名人广告的地位和作用,而消费时尚的导向心理正好又促进了名人广告的发展。名人广告会使消费者产生积极的情感,也会使消费者对广告甚至媒体产生相当大的抵触情绪。名人广告失败的一面和暴露的问题是值得我们深思的,名人道德引起的风险也是我们应该规避的。我们应该尽力去想办法解决名人广告带来的问题,正确地定位名人广告,杜绝虚假信息。一味地追求明星代言会使商家忽略很多需要注意的地方和承担很大的风险,广告的道路是通常且富有挑战性的,有时双赢或者双输只在一念之间。 关键词:名人广告 广告效果 双赢 双输 Abstract Celebrity ads in today's society to gradually develop and grow, its consumers have a positive impact, there are negative. Today's consumers tend to rational, if made with the advertising effect, the psychological needs of the audience and the audience to the various impact analysis. Celebrity advertising reflects the psychology of celebrity status and role of advertising, The fashion-oriented consumer psychology is also promoting the development of the celebrity ads. Celebrity ads will have a positive consumer sentiment, Consumers will also be on the ad or even the media have a considerable resistance. The failure of a celebrity ads and exposed the issue is worth our careful consideration, Masters is also the risk of moral cause we should avoid. We should do its best to think about solutions to the problems brought about by celebrity ads, Correctly positioning celebrity ads, eliminate false information.Blindly pursuing star will speak many businesses ignore the need to pay attention to local and bear great risks, advertising and the road is usually challenging and sometimes win-win or lose-lose only a study in between. Key Words:Celebrity ads Ad Performance win-win lose-lose 目 录 摘 要……………………………………………………………………………………I Abstract………………………………………… ………………………………………II 引  言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1 名人广告影响受众心理之分析…………………………………………………………2 1.1 名人广告中体现的心理学现象………………………………………………………2 1.2 消费时尚的导向心理…………………………………………………………………3 2 名人广告对受众的积极影响……………………………………………………………4 2.1 名人广告的影响因素…………………………………………………………………4 2.2 名人广告使消费者产生积极情感……………………………………………………4 2.3 名人广告带来的积极影响……………………………………………………………5 3 名人广


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