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中文摘要 摘要:随着我国改革开放和现代化进程的加快,我国的建设规模正日益增大,如何保证建筑工程质量的同时也能使工程能长久的安全使用下去,日益受到各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注。在众多的土木工程建设中,混凝土的应用面之广,使用次数之多是很少见的。尤其中近年来,一种较新的混凝土技术正在快速发展并且运用到许多实际工程项目中,那就是高强度大体积混凝土。高强度大体积混凝土(High Performance Concrete,HPC) 由于具有高耐久性、高工作性、高强度和高体积稳定性等许多优良特性,被认为是目前全世界性能最为全面的混凝土,至今已在不少重要工程中被采用,特别是在桥梁、高层建筑、海港建筑等工程。本文主要介绍了高强度大体积混凝土发展的历史背景及目前国内外的研究现状,阐明了高强度大体积混凝土的特性,列举了高强度大体积混凝土在国内外研究应用中的重要成果,并对其发展趋势作出展望。随着我国建筑向高层化、大型化、现代化的发展,HPC必将成为新世纪的重要建筑工程材料。 关键词:高强度大体积混凝土;耐久性;体积稳定性 ABSTRACT Title: The current research and development of high performance concrete ABSTRACT: As China's reform and opening up and modernization, China is increasing the size of the building, how to ensure the construction quality of engineering can also can make long-term safe use of it, is being paid more and more attention at all levels of government and the social from all walks of life. In many civil engineering construction, the concrete application range, use frequency is very rare. Especially in recent years, a new concrete technology is rapidly developed and applied to many practical engineering projects, that is the high performance concrete. High performance concrete (High Performance Concrete, HPC) due to its high durability, high workability, high strength and high volume stability and many other fine features, is considered the world's most comprehensive performance of concrete, has been adopted in many important projects, especially in high-rise building, bridge, harbor construction engineering. This paper mainly introduces the development of high performance concrete historical background and current research situation at home and abroad, and expounds the characteristics of high-performance concrete, the high-performance concrete in the domestic and foreign research application of important achievements, and prospects for its development trend. With the development of China's building to top, large scale, modern, HPC will become an important building material for the new century.High performance concre


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