新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册 Unit 9 Section A Premarital Agreements.ppt

新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册 Unit 9 Section A Premarital Agreements.ppt

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新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册 Unit 9 Section A Premarital Agreements

I. Structure Analysis The general statement: The general statement: A social phenomenon--premarital agreements The general statement: The general statement: Some points to be taken care of regarding prenups Part IV Evaluations ② For those who want to _____________ to be _____________ their children and grand children. ① _______________ are necessary. ② ________ is required to write the document. ③ Don’t use ______________ as your future spouse does. Advice from the lawyers ① Don’t sign prenups ______________. ① Prenups are __________________. ② Sometimes it may help ________________ ________________. ③ Sometimes it proves to _______________ ____________________. III. Summary Signing agreements before marriage has become popular in the United States since 1980s. __________________ are designed to solve problems like how to divide up ______________ if a couple divorces. Some people are strongly ________ them but others argue that there are several reasons _____ them: to protect the ____________ accumulation of wealth of one of the _______, to protect children from a _______ marriage, to lay ____ the responsibilities and save a couple from a ______ marriage, etc. With 50% of all marriages in America _____ up in divorces, _________ agreements seem to be _______ in acceptance. IV. Reproduction I. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. 1. … when a potential spouse has, or is in line for, great inherited wealth or … ... (L35) 2. “An agreement is stuck under somebody’s nose on the day of wedding …(L47) 3. some 50% of all marriages in the United States end up on the trash heap .(L67) 4. “It sheds light on issues which could later widen and result in divorce. (L69) 1.小偷就在马太太的眼皮底下偷走了她的珍珠。 2. 约翰有望成为今年俱乐部总裁。 3. 中韩足球大战最后以平局告终。 4.你的发言并没有说明问题。 我刚才看的那本书到哪儿去了? ——就在你面前嘛! 2. 威廉王子是英国排名第三的皇位继承人。 3. 你要还这样开车,总有一天你会进医院的。 4. 最近的研究结果可能有助于揭示SAR



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