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****** All written answers must be in English unless noted otherwise. ****** Multiple Choices(Choose one out of multiple choices) Coding Style Which of the following is not a part of “General Principles”? Do it right the first time. Adhere to the style of the original. Document any deviations. Adhere to the Principle of Defensive(or Preventive) Programming. Adhere to the Principle of Least Astonishment. About variables, which one is incorrect? std:string strFirstName char cLetterGrade char szName[NAME_LENGTH] char* pcValue int nCars Which of the following is inconsistent with Hungarian Notation? Give function parameters the same name as the member variables you are assigning them to. Choose variable names that suggest the usage. Variables are to be declared with the smallest possible scope. Each variable is to be declared in a separate declaration statement. Always use initialization instead of assignment. About formatting conventions, which one is incorrect? Use 4 spaces to indent block statements. Break up long lines. Braces (“{}”) which enclose a block are to be placed in the different column,on separate lines directly before and after the block. When declaring functions, the leading parenthesis and the first argument to be written on the same line as the function name. If space permits, other arguments and the closing parenthesis may also be written on same line as the function name. Otherwise, each additional argument is to be written on a separate line with the closing parenthesis directly after the last argument. Don’t use “hard” tabs. About documentation conventions, which one is incorrect? Document your software interface for those who muse use it and implementation for those who must maintain it. All files may include copyright information. Keep your code and comments synchronized. Use one line comments to explain implementation detail. Use the active voice and omit needless words. Which of the following is an incorrect use of upper and lower case letters


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