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广西东门国有林场林地流失现状和对策摘要如今,我国任然是一个缺林少绿、生态脆弱的国家,森林覆盖率远远低于全球31%的平均水平,人均森林面积仅为世界人均水平的1/4,人均森林储蓄面积也只有世界人均水平的1/7,为此,我国森林资源存在总量不足、质量不高、分布不均等问题,只有进一步加强对林地流失问题的治理水平,才能在未来从根源上解决我国林业存在的多种问题。本文以广西东门国有林场作为研究对象,以现代林业理论和现代管理科学理论作为指导,采用微观分析和宏观综合相结合的研究方法,分析了广西东门国有林场林地流失的现状及原因,得出林地“合法流失”和“非法流失”作为广西东门国有林场林地主要流失形式,指出了导致广西东门国有林场林地流失的基本原因;其次,针对广西东门国有林场林地流失的原因,提出要通过以下措施来加强对林地流失的管控:提高认识,正确理解林地的重要性;统筹兼顾,切实节约利用林地;强化措施,严格征占用林地管理;加强监管,严惩违法破坏和占用林地行为;加大投入,保护并增加林地面积;加强森林经营,不断提高林地质量等具体措施。通过上述多种措施有助于强化广西东门国有林场林地流失的保护力度,对推动广西东门国有林场的现代化建设也有着重要的指导意义。关键词:广西东门国有林场;林地流失;对策;遏制流失AbstractToday, our country is a lack of forest, ecological fragile countries, forest cover is far lower than the average level of 31% of the world, per capita forest area is only 1/4 per capita of the world, per capita forest area is only the world average level of 1/7, for this, Chinas forest resources are insufficient, quality is not high, the distribution is not equal, only to further strengthen the management level of forest loss, in order to solve the problems in the future.In this paper, the east gate of Guangxi state-owned forest farm as the research object, based on modern forestry theory and modern scientific management theory as the guide, using the research methods of micro analysis and macro comprehensive combination, analyses the current situation and reasons of the east gate of Guangxi state-owned forest farm loss of forest land, forest land that legal loss and illegally as the east gate of Guangxi state-owned forest forest the main forms of loss, points out the basic reasons leading to the east gate of Guangxi state-owned forest farm forest loss; secondly, the reasons for the loss of the east gate of Guangxi state-owned forest forest, puts forward the following measures to strengthen the control of forest loss: to improve the understanding, the correct understanding of the importance of forest land; overall, effectively saving the use of forest land requisition and occupation; strengthening measures, strict forest manage


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