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本课题的主要研究内容(提纲) 总体设计及其计算,主要进行侧翻的计算分析。 对静止状态整车为刚性、静止状态考虑悬架因素、静止状态上装举升20?时考虑悬架因素等三种不同情况的验算以及对选择方案的初步计算。 拟定方案设计,主要是对采用的液压缸的设计原理的阐述,及原理图的绘制。 液压缸的设计及其尺寸计算,包括缸筒材料的选择、液压缸的计算、液压缸最小导向长度的确定、活塞杆弯曲稳定性校核、密封圈的选择。 液压元件的选择包括液压泵的选择、液压阀件的选择、过滤器的选择计算、油箱组件设计选择、系统油液温升验算及冷却、液压管路的尺寸选择。 液压油路板的结构与设计,主要是油路板的设计分析,包括油路板的布局及油道的设计制作等。 设计包括:液压原理cad图、液压装配cad图、制动盘cad图、制动器cad图、总装cad图。请加参数1249726337 摘 要 目前使用的重型自卸车由于载重量大,工作路况的复杂,加之所载矿砂的粘度、湿度较大,在车厢举倾时,矿砂经常不能完全从车厢中流出,使车厢重心发生偏移。当在有一定坡度的路面上卸货时,自卸车便可能发生侧翻。为了解决这个问题,本课题首先通过分析明确自卸车发生侧翻的前提条件,然后在车厢下底盘后横梁上固定一对由液压系统控制的支腿。当车厢举倾之前,此液压系统开始工作,通过液压缸推动支腿支承地面,防止自卸车侧翻。根据工作要求计算出支腿的支撑力以及相关性能参数,选择液压缸、液压泵、单向阀、溢流阀、调速阀、电磁换向阀等液压元件,完成支撑系统的液压原理图,并画出支撑系统与自卸车的装配图。 为了使结构简单,减少系统泄漏,提高稳定性。本设计中采用集成块,将各阀集成在一个油路板上。 关键词:重型自卸车;侧翻;液压系统 Abstract The heavy type dumper is over weight vehicle. It often runs on the complicated road surface. Because its freight such as silt, ore is sticky, the freight can not be dumped completely when the carriage is lifted. The remainder is glued to the carriage, so the gravity center of carriage will have an offset. When the dumper dumps freight on the certain slope road surface, the carriage will be likely to roll. For solving this problem, the roll precondition is analyzed firstly in this subject matter, then a pair of landing legs controlled by hydraulic system is fixed in the rear cross beam of chassis mainframe. This hydraulic system begins to wok before the carriage is lifted, then hydraulic cylinder drives landing legs to support road surface to protect rolling. According to its request, the holding power of landing legs can be calculated, then hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic pump, check valve, speed control valve and magnetic exchange valve and so on also can be choosed, and that hydraulic schematic diagram of support system and assembly diagram of support system and dumper can be accomplished. In order to make structure simple, decrease leak, improve stabilization, integrated package is adopted in this design. Sorts of valves can be integrated in an oil


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