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Unit2 Working the land Reading教学设计 情感态度: 关注世界饥饿问题,敬仰袁隆平,培养合作意识,让学生做个快乐的英语语言学习者。 文化意识:了解中国杂交水稻的发展和世界的饥饿问题。 1. To know the world starvation. 2. To learn about Yuan Longping and his great achievements. 3. To discuss how to solve the problem―starvation. 4. To improve reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. 教学重点和难点: 合理理解文章,正确表达观点和建议。 1. To read the passage and do some comprehending. 2. To do role-play and discuss how to solve the problem―starvation. 教学策略: Student-centered reading, listening, speaking and mini-writing. pair work, group work discussion and role play 教学媒体设计: A projector and a screen 课堂练习与课外作业设计: 穿插于教学设计中 教学过程: Learning procedures: I、Warming upPre-reading Free talk. What are they doing? Do you like eating rice like this girl? Look at the pictures below. What problem do they show? If you had the chance to help them, what would you do? 设计意图:通过PPT文本、课本教学媒体形式,让学生插图从视觉上了解农村和农业劳动和世界饥饿。提问采取自觉主动的方式,表达自己的观点和建议。锻炼学生的语言表达能力和听力。为后面课堂做铺垫,预设了讨论话题。 2) Guess: Who is he? 1. He is the most famous“farmer” in China. 2. The value of his name is worth 100,000, 000,000 yuan. 3. He first grows what is called super hybrid rice in the world. He is called the Father of Super Hybrid Rice. Answer: 设计意图:引出本课重要人物袁隆平,通过猜的过程简单了解袁隆平。 3) What does “pioneer” mean? What may be the writing style of this passage? A. A travel journal. B. A biography (人物传记). III、While-reading Task 1 Fast reading Read the passage quickly, and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Match the main ideas with the right paragraphs. Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams. Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality.(个性,人品) Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography. (个人简介) Para4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achivements. 设计意图:概括段意,学会抓文章段落的主题。个别检查答案锻炼学生的表达能力。 Task 2 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and try to finish the following tasks. 设计意图:细节理解文章。每个环节给足够的时间去阅读理解。个别整体检查相结合,锻炼学生的表达能力。 Para. 1


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