(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 8 call课件.ppt

(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 8 call课件.ppt

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Lesson 8 Making Phone Calls ;Learning Objectives;Conversation A;Notes;5. Let's make it seven o'clock then. 咱们就定在七点钟。 Make it+时间:定在……时间 Can we make it tomorrow afternoon? 咱们定在明天下午怎么样? 6. Thank you for calling. 谢谢你打电话来。 接电话的人在要结束谈话时说的一句客套话。还常说: Thanks for calling. I appreciate your call. I'm glad you call. 我很高兴你打电话过来。 ;Conversation B;Notes;3. Just hold the line a second. 请稍候。 Hold the line 意思是“别挂断” 其他类似表达方式还有: Hold on, please.别挂断。 Hang on a moment.等一会儿。 Just a second.等一会儿。 Wait a minute.等一会儿。 Wait a moment.等一会儿。 Don't hang up.别挂断。;4 . Mr. Kim, Mr. Wang Ming is on the line. 金先生,王明先生打电话找您。 告诉某人有人打电话找,可用下列表达方法: A long distance call for you, Mr. Baker. 贝克先生,您有长途电话。 Are you ready to take the call? 你能不能接个电话? Mary, you mother is on the phone. 玛丽,你妈妈来电话了。 Someone wants you on the phone. 有人来电话找您。 You're wanted on the phone. 有人来电话找您。 Telephone for you, Mr. Kennedy. 肯尼迪先生,您有电话。 ;5. I'm calling about the contract my secretary delivered to your office yesterday morning. 我打电话是为了和您谈谈我的秘书昨天上午送到您办公室的那份合同。 I'm calling (phoning/ringing) about...或I'm calling (phoning/ringing) to...直接说明打电话的目的。例如:I'm calling about the trip tomorrow. 我打电话来是想谈谈明天旅行的事。 I'm calling to inform you that our delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow afternoon. 我打电话来是想告诉你们,我们的代表团将于明天下午到达。 比较正式的公事场合还可以说: I'm calling concerning the letter you sent last week. 我打电话来是为了你上周来的那封信。 I'm calling in reference to your letter of credit. 我打电话来是为了你们信用证的事。 ;6. It should have read $1100 not $1050. 应该是$1100而不是$1050。 read 说,读作,内容是 The start of the American Constitution reads “We, the people of the United States...” 美国宪法的开头是这样说的:“我们,美利坚合众国的人民……” The thermometer is reading 40℃. 温度计显示40摄氏度。 A sign reading “No Smoking” was stuck on the wall. 墙上贴着“不许吸烟”的牌子。 ;7. It was an oversight on my part. 这是我的一个疏忽。 on sb’s part (on the part of sb)在某人方面 It was a mistake on the part of Jones to sign the agreement without reading it. 不看内容就签约,这是琼斯的错。 The agreement has been kept on my pa


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