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;非谓语动词解题策略指导;1. The news meeting, to be held in that hall, has already been crowded with reporters. 2. I heard the girl singing in the classroom. 3. The man talking with my father is Mr. Wang. 4. To live is to struggle. (生活就是斗争。);下面从两个方面来复习非谓语动词 1.非谓语动词解题四大步骤 2.非谓语动词的七大经典原则;;(一)分析句子结构,辨别“谓语与非谓语”; 3.It ___ a hot day, we’d better go swimming. ; 非谓语动词虽不能作谓语,但仍具有动词特点,其逻辑上的动作执行者就叫做逻辑主语。; A.to take B. taking C. to be taken D. taken;;(四)分析时态;;非谓语动词的 七大经典原则; 原则一:用作目的状语,原则上要用不定式 1.With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank______ presents for my dad.(10全国I 34 ) A. buy??????????? B. to buy????????? C. buying??????? D. to have bought 【解析】由于为我爸爸购买礼物是我取钱的目的,所以要用不定式,因此可排除 A 和 C。另外,由于先取后买,故选 B。 如:为了赶上第一趟公交车,他很早就起床了. ; 2.He had wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the world ((10安徽卷30) ) A. travel??????????? B. to travel???????? C. traveled???????????? D. traveling ;-ing形式作伴随状语与 to do作目的状语的区别: 作伴随状语的-ing形式与谓语动词的动作同时发生且 前面常常带一逗号;而作目的状语的不定式的动作要比 谓语动词的动作后发生前面不能用逗号。 用括号里的词的适当形式填空 1). Write to the editor, ________ that the editor would be able to help her.( hope ) 2).She reached the top of the hill and stopped there _________ on a big rock.( rest ) 3).The secretary worked late into night , ______ a long speech. ( prepare ) 4). ___________ warm, we shut all the windows. ( keep );原则三:用作结果状语时,可用-ing或不定式,其原则区别是, 用-ing,表示一定逻辑的结果,即结果在意料之中。 不定式用作结果状语表示非逻辑的结果,即结果在意料之外。 4. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,________ the students to return to their classrooms. (10江苏卷28 )) A. enabling??B. having enabled?? C. to enable???D. to have enabled 【解析] 此处用-ing 表示自然而然的结果。 如:It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that place. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个地方洪水泛滥。 ;   6. He hurried to the booking office only _____ tha



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