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The Archeology of Knowledge Michel Foucault CONTENTS 2 Part I Introduction 3 INTRODUCTION 3 Part II The Discursive Regularities 12 1. THE UNITIES OF DISCOURSE 12 2. DISCURSIVE FORMATIONS 17 3. THE FORMATION OF OBJECTS 21 4. THE FORMATION OF ENUNCIATIVE MODALITIES 26 5 THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTS 29 6. THE FORMATION OF STRATEGIES 35 7. REMARKS AND CONSEQUENCES 38 Part III The Statement and the Archive 43 2. THE ENUNCIATIVE FUNCTION 48 3. THE DESCRIPTION OF STATEMENTS 57 4. RARITY, EXTERIORITY, ACCUMULATION 65 5 THE HISTORICAL A PRIORI AND THE ARCHIVE 72 Part IV Archaeological Description 76 1. ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE HISTORY OF IDEAS 76 2. THE ORIGINAL And THE REGULAR 80 3. CONTRADICTIONS 85 4. THE COMPARATIVE FACTS 89 5. CHANGE And TRANSFORMATIONS 93 6. SCIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE 102 Part Conclusion 111 CONCLUSION 111 INDEX 119 Note om layout - Ganske rett fram layout, ingen store kompliserte greir her. Sidetall nederst p? hver side. Archaeology of Knowledge `Michel Foucault is a very brilliant writer ... he has a remark-able angle of vision, a highly disciplined and coherent one, that informs his work to such a high degree as to make the work sui generis original.' Edward W. Said `The Archaeology of Know/edge ... provides an unusually sharp outline of [Foucault's] theoretical stance as well as a focused critique of the history of ideas.' Jean Claude Guedon 'A necessary guide to Foucault's often difficult ideas ... and to his overall historical ambition, which is to define the "soil" out of which contemporary events in a given period grow.' The Times Literary Supplement `No other thinker in recent history had so dynamically influenced the fields of history, philosophy, literature and literary theory, the social sciences, even medicine.' Lawrence D. Kritzman `Next to Sartre's Search fora Method, and in direct opposition to it, Foucault's work is the most noteworthy effort at a theory of history in the last 50 years.' Library Journal L'Archeologie du savoir first published 1969


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