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Embedded Real-time Busi ess I tellige ce. Discover the Treasures. Make Applicatio s More Valuable with Embedded Real-time Busi ess I tellige ce Y u can enhance y ur transacti nal applicati ns with features that put the p wer f real-time business intelligence (BI) directly int the hands f end users. Give y ur users at every level f the enterprise the up-t -the-m ment inf rmati n they need t make better perati nal decisi ns. ™ It’s easy with InterSystems DeepSee . Intr ducing InterSystems DeepSee™ I terSystems DeepSee is i ovative software that e ables you to embed real-time busi ess i tellige ce capabilities i to your existi g a d future tra sactio al applicatio s. With DeepSee, you ca e ha ce your applicatio s with i teractive dashboards that display critical i formatio glea ed from curre t operatio al data. These dashboards are embedded i the applica- tio s that users work with every day, so they are easy for them to access. With DeepSee, business intelligence is: Fast – Utilizi g I terSystems’ breakthrough tra sactio al bit i dexi g map tech ology that provides excelle t retrieval performa ce for complex queries plus top-tier update performa ce for high-volume tra sactio processi g, i forma- tio is accessible i real time. Easy – Usi g DeepSee, applicatio developers rapidly build i teractive dashboards co tai i g graphs, charts, filters, images, li ks, et


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