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写在前面:1. po主是中大管院学生,这学期修的【国际财务管理】(英文原书第6版);科目叫【国际金融】。期末考试有考【名词解释】但是书上虽然每章最后给出了key words却没有释义,整理它们浪费了很多复习时间。考完试了,就把整理的内容传上来【遗泽余芳】。2. 条目按照【赵慧敏】老师划出的重点整理,所以并不全面,不过也涵盖大半。如果是同样修习赵老师课程的学弟学妹,可以直接参考这篇整理稿子,不过打字不易,望能【购买】后下载使用。其他不考名词解释的同学,考前复习此文也必然有所帮助。 3. 【名词解释】并非是解释名词,本文内容全部来自整理过的原书内容,如European Monetary System我不会解释定义是什么,但是会涵盖它建立的内容(这也是书中重点介绍的东西) 4. 由于是【国际金融】而非【国际财务管理】课程,有些原书章节(1、4、8、9、10)选择性跳过 5. 纯手打,可能有错误,请自行纠正。【手打、整理辛苦,请购买下载使用】Chapter 2Bimentallism: a double standard in that free coinage was maintained for both gold silver.Bretton Woods system: each country establish a par value in relation to the US dollar, which was pegged to gold at 35 dollar per ounce.European Montary System(EMS): a. To establish a zone of monetary stability in Europe.b. To coordinate exchange rate policies vis-a-vis the non-EMS currencies.c. To pave the way for the eventual European montary union.Exchange Rate Mechanism(ERM): refers to the procedure by which EMS member countries collectively manage their exchange rates.Gold standard:a. gold alone is assured of unrestricted coinage.b. there is two-way convertibility between gold and national currencies at a stable ratio.c. gold may be freely exported or imported.International monetary system: Bimentallism; Gold standard; Inter war period; Bretton Woods system; Flexible exchange rate regime.Greshams Law: bad money drives out good money.Chapter 3Balance of payments(BOP): the statistical record of a countries international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping.BOPI(indentity): BCA(current account)+BKA (capital account)+BRA(reserves account)=0capital account: includes all purchases and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate and businesses.current account: includes the exports and imports of goods and services.factor income: the third category of the current account, consists largely of payments and recepts of interest, dividends and other income on foreign investment


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