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学 科 类: 学 号: 学校代码: 密 级: 2014届本科生毕业论文 输送机传输带NE300链板套筒工艺编制和铣平面夹具《二》 、刀具设计 院 系: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 指导教师: 答辩日期: 二〇一五年 月 摘要 本文首先对输送机传输带NE300链板套筒零件进行分析,通过对输送机传输带NE300链板套筒进行的研究和分析,描述了它的毛坯制造形式、机械加工余量、基准选择、工序尺寸和毛坯尺寸的确定,以及切削用量和工时的计算和加工刀具的设计等相关内容。 在这次毕业设计中,根据课题所给的零件图、技术要求,通过查阅相关资料和书籍,了解和掌握了的机械加工工艺和编程的一般方法和步骤,并运用这些方法和步骤进行了输送机传输带NE300链板套筒铣圆柱面扁位夹具和组合刀具设计,整个铣扁位夹具的设计的指导思想“简便、高效、经济”。力求生产处符合要求的产品。 关键词:链板套筒;加工余量;铣扁位夹具;组合刀具; 全套图纸,加 ABSTRACT This design is a lather to become soon an appropriation for inside pulling out fork spare parts processing craft rules distance and some work prefaces tongs design.This pull out the construction of the fork spare parts than for complicacy, its the place that process is a peaceful in bore primarily.This design processes after processing first the bore.Process with flat surface the clear and definite dividing the line the bore the coarseness processes to process with the nicety the stage to guarantee their process the precise degree. The basis of automation. Use of machine tools, need a large number of skilled personnel of modern numerical control technology. The application of numerical control technology not only bring revolutionary change to traditional manufacturing industry, manufacturing industry has become a symbol of industrialization, and with the continuous development of numerical control technology and application field expands, it to the national economy and people′s livelihood some important industry plays a more and more important role in the development. Key words: fixture multi-function; Die forging links; Group technology;clipping tight 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)课题背景 1 (二)夹具的发展史 1 (三)小结 2 二、链板套筒的加工工艺规程设计 3 (一)零件的作用 4 (二)零件的工艺分析 5 (三)确定生产类型 7 (四)确定毛坯种类 9 (五)确定锻件加工余量及形状 10 (六)绘制铸件零件图 10 (七)选择定位基准 12 (八)制定工艺路线 13 (九)选择加工设备和工艺设备 16 (十)确定切削用量及基本工时 18 三、专用夹具设计 18 (一)问题的提出 19 (二)夹具的设计 20 四、刀具的设计 21 五、设计总结 21 参 考


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