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unit 1 Mr. Doher?ty Build?s His Dream? LifeMr. Doher?ty Build?s His Dream? LifeJim Doher?ty 1 There? are two thing?s I have alway?s wante?d to do -- write? and live on a farm. Today? Im doing? both. I am not in E. B. White?s class? as a write?r or in my neigh?bors leagu?e as a farme?r, but Im getti?ng by. And after? years? of frust?ratio?n with city and subur?ban livin?g, my wife Sandy? and I have final?ly found? conte?ntmen?t here in the count?ry. 多尔蒂先生?创建自己的?理想生活 吉姆·多尔蒂 有两件事是?我一直想做?的――写作与务农?。如今我同时?做着这两件?事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同?一等级,作为农场主?,我和乡邻也?不是同一类?人,不过我应付?得还行。在城市以及?郊区历经多?年的怅惘失?望之后,我和妻子桑?迪终于在这?里的乡村寻?觅到心灵的?满足。2 Its a self-relia?nt sort of life. We grow nearl?y all of our fruit?s and veget?ables?. Our hens keep us in eggs, with sever?al dozen? left over to sell each week. Our bees provi?de us with honey?, and we cut enoug?h wood to just about? make it throu?gh the heati?ng seaso?n. 这是一种自?力更生的生?活。我们食用的?果蔬几乎都?是自己种的?。自家饲养的?鸡提供鸡蛋?,每星期还能?剩余几十个?出售。自家养殖的?蜜蜂提供蜂?蜜,我们还自己?动手砍柴,足可供过冬?取暖之用。 3 Its a satis?fying? life too. In the summe?r we canoe? on the river?, go picni?cking? in the woods? and take long bicyc?le rides?. In the winte?r we ski and skate?. We get excit?ed about? sunse?ts. We love the smell? of the earth? warmi?ng and the sound? of cattl?e lowin?g. We watch? for hawks? in the sky and deer in the cornf?ields?. 这也是一种?令人满足的?生活。夏日里我们?在河上荡舟?,在林子里野?餐,骑着自行车?长时间漫游?。冬日里我们?滑雪溜冰。我们为落日?的余辉而激?动。我们爱闻大?地回暖的气?息,爱听牛群哞?叫。我们守着看?鹰儿飞过上?空,看玉米田间?鹿群嬉跃。 4 But the good life can get prett?y tough?. Three? month?s ago when it was 30 below?, we spent? two miser?able days hauli?ng firew?ood up the river? on a sled. Three? month?s from now, it will be 95 above? and we will be culti?vatin?g corn, weedi?ng straw?berri?es and killi?ng chick?ens. Recen?tly, Sandy? and I had to retil?e the back roof. Soon Jim, 16 and Emily?, 13, the young?est of our four child?ren, will help me make some long-overd?ue impro?vemen?ts on the outdo?or toile?t that suppl?ement?s our indoo?r plumb?ing when we ar


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