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湖州师范学院2013届学位英语考试复习题三 (仅供2013届抵学位考试参考用) Part I. Reading Comprehension (40%) Section A: Fast Reading Directions: In this part, you will be asked to go over the passage quickly and then mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage for the questions given below. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. The Cowboy’s Story When I started my telecommunications company, I knew I was going to need salespeople to help me expand the business. I put the word out that I was looking for qualified (有资格的) salespeople and began the interviewing process. The salesperson I had in mind was experienced in the telemarketing communications industry, knew the local market, had the experience with the various types of systems available, had a professional demeanor (风度) and was a self-starter. I had very little time to train a person, so it was important that the salesperson I hired could “hit the ground running”. During the tiresome process of interviewing prospective salespeople, into my office walked a cowboy. I knew he was a cowboy by the way he dressed. He had on corduroy pants; a short-sleeved snap-button shirt; cowboy boots and a small baseball cap. You can imagine what I was thinking: “Not what I had in my mind for my new company”. He sat down in front of my desk, took off his cap and said, “Mister, I’d just shore appreciate a chance to be a success in the telephone biness.” and that’s just he said it, too: biness. I was trying to figure a way to tell this fellow, without too blunt (生硬的), that he just wasn’t what he had in my mind at all. I asked him about his background. He said he had a degree in agriculture from Oklahoma State University and that he had been a ranch(大牧场) hand in Oklahoma, for the past few years during the summers. He announced that was all over now, he was ready to be



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