诺基亚刷机方法 教程 工具 刷机包.docVIP

诺基亚刷机方法 教程 工具 刷机包.doc

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诺基亚刷机方法 教程 工具 刷机包.doc

诺基亚5233(5232)刷机方法 教程 工具 刷机包 The version is: 5233 - V21.1.004 - the final perfect version (2010-11-16) The firmware will be able to brush 5233 and 5232 phones because the two models are identical, and 5232 is just a mobile custom machine No matter what kind of mobile phone you want to use, you will be able to choose whichever version you want Please brush my DIY firmware, feedback the BUG in this post feedback, you open the post, I will probably not see, thank you My mailbox is full. Please discuss it in this post. I no longer use BBS to answer questions, no exceptions! You can see the tail from the beginning, everyones problem I have answered, thank you support! Welcome back to the information, especially the 5233 oil, because there are fewer people in this model, please collect this post. Your prompt feedback is the motivation for me to update, only in this way, to make better firmware, thank you The updated version of the November 16 edition is explained In pieces smaller components Pieces to delete their own game, bookmarks, ovi store, ovi music, MailForExchang, shazam, help, transfer, My Nokia, podcasts, unit conversion, dictionary, setup wizard, video center, online sharing and component part of the bell, retained their own handwriting input and SIM card application By default, the theme effects and sensing are turned off. You need to open it yourself. The side slides are blocked and the keyboard is turned off dissolving Does the built-in broken solution, joined the visa-free patches and permissions patches and has since started, if you still need to add more in the future. The patch, you just need to put the patch files in the disk C patches directory, then open the system broken. Solution, the application of the new patch. Note that the visa-free is not equal to the software that has the wrong signature and can be installed, if the certificate is limited, please use the tool to remove the signature of the software. Firmware post 3 / f, 5230 removal tool I hav


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