2011高考总复习英语实用精品学案:SBIIB Unit 18 Inventions.doc

2011高考总复习英语实用精品学案:SBIIB Unit 18 Inventions.doc

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2011高考总复习英语实用精品学案:SBIIB Unit 18 Inventions

SBIIB Unit 18 Inventions 汽车的发明 素材新挖掘 考点1. possibility n. 可能(性);可能的事 Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. She thought of several possibilities. 她考虑了几种可能的情况。 possibility n. 可能;美好的未来 possible adj. 可能的 possibly adv. 可能地 (1)There is no ___________(可能)of his coming. (2)Is it a ___________(可能)that you will work abroad? (3)There are several ___________(可能性). (4)_________________(这件事可能吗)to get to the city by train, or must I take a bus? (5)让我们考虑可能发生的事情。 (写作小练笔:谓宾+宾补;consider) _________________________________ possibility possibility possibilities Is it possible Lets consider the possibilities 考点2. otherwise adv. 不然;否则 Creative thinkers can find solutions that would otherwise remain invisible. Sam had to run away otherwise he would get hit even more. 山姆只好跑开了,不然还要挨打。 otherwise adv. 不同地;(在)其他方面 otherwise adv. (在不同情况下)否则 otherwise adj. 另外的, 别样的; 不那样的 otherwise conj. 否则, 不然 (1)We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do __________(别的). (2)He is noisy, but __________(其他方面)a nice boy. (3)Seize the chance, __________(不然)you will regret it. (4)He reminded me of what I should ________________________ (不然我就忘了). otherwise otherwise otherwise otherwise have forgotten (5)你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾; fail, test) _____________________________________________________ 考点3. allow for顾及,为……做准备 Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy” solutions. Allowing for her great age, he was very patient. 他体谅她年纪大,因而很耐心。 allow for 考虑;顾及 considering 考虑;顾及 take account of 考虑到, 顾及 (1)It takes about two hours to get to their office building, __________ (考虑到)possible traffic delays. (2)The journey usually takes six weeks but you should _____________ (考虑进去)delays caused by bad weather. (3)我们必须体谅他年轻。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;youth) _________________________


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