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1 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目: 农村公路交通安全设计 专业年级 交通工程11级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 评 阅 人 2015年5月中国 马鞍山摘 要农村公路是国家建设“新农村”和实现“中国梦”的重要基础设施,也是全国公路网大家庭中比例日益壮大的部分。伴随着农村经济社会的发展,人们的出行需求和物流需求渐渐展现,然而农村公路受自身建设等级、交通参与者素质、地质自然条件、资金投入等方面限制,交通安全形势不容乐观。据相关统计表明,全国交通事故伤亡人员行业类型中农民占到了总数的41.99%[1],农村公路已成为交通事故频发的路段。我国的农村公路大多属于三、四等级公路,在我国交通安全体系研究中没有受到青睐,相关资料文献较少。查阅国内外相关文献之后,结合低等级公路特点,提出交通安全设计方法。本文在阐述农村公路交通特性后,得到影响农村交通安全的影响因素,并以此为基础分析农村公路安全现状。确定了从安全设施和几何安全发面改善农村公路现状,交通设施方面从标志设计方法、标线设计方法、防护设施设置方法、视线诱导设施设计方法阐述,几何安全设计方面从交叉口视距设计和错车道设计分析,重点研究了防护设施的设置关键技术。关键词:农村公路;交通设施;几何设计;安全 AbstractRural road is nation-building new countryside and realize China Dream critical infrastructure, but also the proportion of the national road network in the growing family of parts. With the development of rural economy and society, peoples travel demand and logistics needs gradually show, however, the construction of rural roads by their own rank, traffic participants quality, geological natural conditions, and other aspects of capital investment restrictions, traffic safety situation is not optimistic. According to related statistics show that the national traffic accident casualties industry type farmers accounted for 41.99% of the total, rural roads have become frequent road accidents. Our rural roads are mostly three or four grade highways in the study of traffic safety system is not favored, less relevant information literature. After the relevant literature at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of low-grade highway, made traffic safety design.This paper describes in the rural road traffic characteristics, obtained factors affecting rural traffic safety, and as a basis for analyzing the security status of rural roads. Determined to improve the situation of rural road safety facilities and geometric safe baking, transport facilities from the logo d



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