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河南农业大学牧医工程学院2007届动物科学专业毕业论文(页眉小五宋体居中) 页面设置:上2.5,下2.0,左2.5,右1.5,左装订线1.0,页码在下方居中。 (二号黑体空行) 固始鸡免疫器官1 河南农业大学牧医工程学院2007届动物科学专业毕业论文(页眉小五宋体居中) the various location in the different immunity organs, scatteredly or in clusters. The positively expressed cells in the bursa were mainly found in the lamina propria of mucous membrane, among the lymphoid nodules and at the edges of lymphoid nodules. Fas also expressed in a few lymphocytes inside the lymphoid nodules. The positive cells in the thymus localized mainly in the thymic medulla, and a few in the thymic cortex. Fas predominantly expressed in the red pulp, the marginal zones, and the zones around the splenic nodules and the periarterial lymphatic sheath in the spleen. The expression of Fas gene was faintly positive in the periarterial lymphatic sheath and negative in the splenic nodules. The expression of FasL in the immunity organs of Gushi chickens was similar to that of Fas, but the expression product of FasL was less than that of Fas(Results). All results mentioned above indicated that Fas and FasL genes participated in the regulation of the lymphocytes apoptosis in the immunity organs of Gushi chickens, and played the important roles in keeping the immunity organs stable(Conclusion). (英文摘要尽量用过去时和被动语态;坚决不能用在线翻译) Key words(小五Times New Roman加黑): Apoptosis; Fas; FasL; Expression of apoptosis gene; Immunohistochemistry; Immunity organ; Gushi chicken(关键词要用实词,小五Times New Roman,首字母均应大写,关键词之间用“;”号隔开) (四号楷体空行) 细胞凋亡(正文用五号宋体)是生物界广泛存在的一种重要的生命过程,是多细胞动物为调节机体发育、维护内环境稳定、有基因调控的细胞主动性死亡过程。Fas与Apo-1是同一种跨膜糖蛋白分子,在结构和功能上属于肿瘤坏死因子(TZF, tumor necrosis factor)(正文英文五号Times New Roman格式)受体和神经生长因子受体(NGFR, nerve growth factor receptor)的家族成员,它与细胞上的某些分子(FasL)交联可诱导细胞凋亡的发生。FasL(Fas ligand)是Fas的配体(Fas是FasL的受体)。FasL主要在被激活的T细胞和B细胞上表达。当Fas抗原和FasL结合后,可以诱发Fas表达,细胞发生凋亡。Fas和FasL在免疫系统细胞上的表达相对较高,其介导的细胞凋亡在淋巴细胞的发育和凋亡中发挥重要作用[1, 2] (参考文献用顺序著录法,文献序号上标)。Fas系统功能正常对机体自身稳定具有重要作用,Fas功能过强或缺陷均可导致疾病发生[2]。 前人对Fas和FasL在许多器官内的表达及其意义均有研究。在大鼠心脏移植[3]、大鼠急性肝损伤[4]、大鼠急性肺损伤[5]、大鼠肝癌组织[6]


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