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PAGE PAGE 12010年湖北高考英语听力原文第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)  Text 1  W: You look tired. Did you sleep well?  M: No, my friend and I had a party the whole night.  W: You should go home and take a rest.  M: I know, but my boss wants to see me right now.  Text 2  W: May I have a word with you?  M: You’ve cut me at a bad time. I am writing a report and have to finish within an hour.  W: You really like leaving things to the last minute.  M: I know this is a terrible habit.  Text 3  W: Steven, I finally decided to go on a diet.  M: Good for you, but don’t push yourself too hard, Lucy.  W: You are right, but summer is coming. I do wish to look smarter sooner.  M: You are smart already. You see you are clever and quick in mind.  Text 4  W: HYPERLINK / \o My goodness, it’s freezing here in the room.  M: I am sorry, man. It will be ok as soon as I turn the heating on.  Text 5  W: Darling, what do you think of these new shoes?  M: Umm,I am wondering where you a re going to put them, when you are not wearing them.  ?  第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)  Text 6  M: How are we going there? Have you decided yet?  W: Should we fly? It’s fast.  M: But if we fly, we’ll miss the beautiful scenery.  W: You are right, then forget about airplanes.  M: Let’s drive then, we can rent a car.  W: Drive? That sounds dangerous.  M: Then the only other choices are the train or the bus. I’d like to see what American buses are like.  W: They are not as nice as trains.  Text 7  W: How are you, John?  M: I am ok, and you? Carol?  W: Oh, busy, I’ve bee n working on those book reports for ages.  M: Me, too. Have you finished reading the books?  W: I haven’t, and I am so worried. What about you?  M: I already have, but the writing is going so slowly. I feel like I have to read all the books again. I am so forgetful.  W: Oh really? Well, what are you going to do after you’ve finished?  M: I don’t know, I hope I can go to Europe and relax.  W: So do I.  Text 8  M: Can you give me some tips of a coming interv


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