新目标八年级上册Unit 4 How do you get to school- 第三课时教案.docx

新目标八年级上册Unit 4 How do you get to school- 第三课时教案.docx

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新目标八年级上册Unit 4 How do you get to school- 第三课时教案

新目标八年级上册Unit 4 How do you get to school? 第三课时教案   单元名称 Unit 4 How do you get to school?课时安排第三课时教学目标1.能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己。2.学习完成任务所需要的语言:词汇:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station countable noun, uncountable noun(只要求理解)2)句子:复习表达如何向别人询问道路: How do you get to school? How does Nina get to school?表达采用怎样的交通方式去某地:Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.用宾语从句询问对方关于提问距离的几种句子: Thomas wants to know where Nina lives. Thomas wants to know how far from school she lives. Thomas wants to know how long it takes to get to school. Thomas wants to know how she get to school. Thomas wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.3. 完成课本第22页1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c的教学任务。教学环节突出内容教师活动学生活动Step I   Lead in and revision题板 PPT1            电子版教材P32 2a       同步字幕划线部分1. T: Im very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportations we learnt in last lesson? 大家还记得上节课我们都学习哪些交通方式了吗?   1) (老师用交通方式卡片指引学生说出所学单词。)所说单词顺序为:bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle...   2) T: Do you know how to spell them?Look at the words in the picture. Please read the words and translate them into Chinese one by one. 请大家读出图片中的单词,并把它们翻译成中文。T: S1, please. S2, please.S3, please.S4, please.S5, please.S6, please.S7, please.S8, please.   2. T: OK. 接下来我们看一组图片,我们来认识几个新单词。Ill show you some pictures on the screen. Lets learn some new words. (在屏幕上展示p22页的四幅图片)   T: Altogether,please follow me! stop; stationPlease say something about the pictures one by one.For example, This is a train station. Trains stop here.   OK. Can you give me the answers?   3. Lets look at the pictures with these phrases. Please repeat.   让我们一起看带提示的图片,再跟老师把这几个短语读一遍。   1.      1) Ss: bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle...      2)S1: bus, b-u-s 公共汽车S2: subway,u-b-w-a-y 地铁S3: train,t-r-a-I-n 火车S4: ship, s-h-I-p 轮船S5: bike, b-I-k-e 自行车S6: plane, p-l-a-n-e 飞机S7: taxi,t-a-x-i 出租车S8 boat, b-a-o-t 小船    2.Follow the words with teacher.    S3: This is a bus station. Buses sto


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