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怎样写好大学英语四级作文 基本要求是: “能就一定的话题和给定的提纲写短文,能写信和便条,表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。能在半小时内写出120-150词的短文。 较高要求是: 能就与课文难度相仿的阅读材料回答问题,写提纲和摘要,能就一定的话题和给定的提纲、表格或图示写短文,能写日常应用文(如信函、简历等),内容完整,条理清楚,文理通顺。”能在半小时内写出150-180词的短文。” 由于种种原因,学生的写作训练不够,导致学生写出的作文主要存在以下问题:   1. 内容贫乏,知识面窄,想象不丰富。   2. 文章结构紊乱,句与句之间、段与段之间缺乏逻辑关系,中心不突出。   3. 语言不地道,文章中满是汉语式、翻译式的句子,且句型单调。   4. 语言贫乏,缺乏美感,没有吸引力。 写作的评分依据是:切题、条理、语言和字数。所谓切题就是看你写的作文是否跑题。所谓条理是指每一段的议论的正反清楚,说明的几个方面清楚,描述的时间正确。 首段的写作  根据四六级写作的特点,一般首段和尾段都要自己补上,那么怎么才能写好首尾段呢,下面我介绍一下,首尾段的写作方式。   1.首段的写作   首段的写作方式一般为:   运用事实性信息、调查或故事等引出话题,2)导入主题,然后提出自己的观点,也就是文章的论点   首段开篇的方式常见的有: 首段的写作 1) 谚语法   由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。   As the saying goes, Money makes the mare go, but there are many things we cant buy with money, such as time and true love. … 首段的写作 2) 定义法   定义法是通过对文章中的关键词做一些简单或正面或反面的解释,限定其范围,这样比较有利于引出主题。   Practice makes perfect is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end. 首段的写作 3) 提问法   通过提问一个或一连串的问题,可以激发读者的兴趣,从而引出主题。   a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer?   b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question. 首段的写作 4) 概括法   概括法指先总结文章内容所涉及的现状,然后引出主题。   In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has become a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems. 首段的写作 5) 故事法   故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing? 首段的写作 6) 引语法   Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and cant be retained. From Vincis words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning. 首段的写作 7) 调查法   为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题,如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing?的1)和Can School children Start Usi


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