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传染病学; 总论; Two concepts;Examples : ;Fifty-two millions people die each year in the world, 32.7% of which,about 17 millions people die of infectious diseases。; The outbreak of “Spanish flu” in 1918 caused death of 40 millions people all over the world. ; I、 In 1674, Mr. Leeuwenhoek(列文虎 克) Observed microorganisms by homemade microscope. It was the first time that human set eyes on microorganisms.;II. In 1796, Jenner ,An English country doctor, inoculated cowpox vaccinia(牛痘) for a 8 years old boy, cowpox vaccinia was invented since that and human are immune from smallpox. Today smallpox has been the first infectious disease eradicated by human through vaccination.;III. In 1882, Koch(科赫), a German bacteriologist discovered tubercle bacillus. Pasteur and Koch established the base of microbiology together.;Nobel prize winner of physiology and medicine, 1905 Robert Koch;IV. In 1928, Fleming(费列明), a doctor from Scotland, discovered penicillin, since then a new age----antibiotics age was initiated. ;Nobel prize winner of physiology and medicine, 1945 Sir Alexander Fleming ;In 1988, WHO brought forward to eliminate poliomyelitis(脊髓灰质炎) on 31-12-2000 (postponed to 2005). ;In developing countries,about half of the dead persons are due to infectious diseases。 Each hour,about 1500 people die of infectious diseases,most of cases occur in developing countries。 ; 近年来人的死因顺位发生了由传染病为主转向以心、脑血管病、肿瘤等为主的重大变化。 ; The prevalence of Infectious Diseases; Re-emergence of Classical Infectious Diseases ; Each year, 2 millions people die of TB Each year, 7~8 millions are infected with TB ; New Infectious Diseases are Emerging Unceasingly ;表 1 1973年以来新发现的部分传染病;年代 微生物 疾病 1986 环孢子球虫 顽固性腹泻 1988 人疱疹病毒6型 突发性玫瑰疹 1988 戊型肝炎病毒 戊型肝炎 1989 查菲氏埃立克体 人埃立克体病 1989 丙型肝炎病毒 丙型肝炎 1991 Guanarito病毒 委内瑞拉出血热 1992 O139霍乱弧菌 O139霍乱 1992 巴尔道氏体 猫抓病,杆菌性血管瘤病 1993 汉坦病毒分离株 汉坦病毒肺???合征 1994 S



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