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大学英语四级考试 听力部分 技巧与方法;; ;2. 四级考试对话部分考点透视 ;听力对话的题材十分广泛, 但以贴近学生生活,学习的话题为主。对话中常见的话题可以归纳为以下八种:;;5. 工作状况:涉及求职、面试、职务提升、工资待遇等方面内容。如:  W: You seem very confident about the job interview, don’t you? M: Yes. I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit in a clothing store and I had my hair cut. I had studied almost everything about finance and economics. Q: Where is the man probably going to work? 6.卫生环境:涉及气候、温度、环境卫生、疾病、就医等内容。如: M: Hello. Mrs. White, what can I do for you? W: I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I am always feeling tired. I am usually worn out at the end of the day. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?;7. 装饰维修:包括房屋装修、设备安装、检测维修等。如: W: You’ve got your apartment furnished, haven’t you? M: Yes. I bought some used furniture at the Sunday Market. And it was a real bargain. Q: What does the man mean? 8.日常生活:包括活动安排、人际交往、购物消费等。如: M: do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after all these years? W: Yes, of course. I call them at weekends when the rates are down fifty percent. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?;听力对话中谈话人表达自己观点或陈述某一事实的方式多种多样,大致可分为以下六类。;2.否定表达——说话人以否定的方式表达肯定的意思,说话人的态度往往比较强烈,语气十分肯定。 M: I really can’t afford any more interruptions right now. I’ve got to finish the assignment. W: Sorry, just one more thing, could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? A The man will drive the woman to school. B The man has finished his assignment. C The man is willing to help the woman. D The man is losing patience with the woman.;3. 祈使表达——以祈使句形式表达自己的意见、建议或意愿,祈使句形式可以是肯定的也可以是否定的。  M: I can’t understand why Bob isn’t here yet. Do you think we should try to call him or go look for him? W: He probably just got holdup in traffic. Let’s give him a few more minutes. Q: What are the speakers probably going to do? A Give Bob a phone call. B Go and pick Bob up. C Go look for Bob. D Wait for Bob.;4.虚


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