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目 录 CONTENTS 前言 第一章 托福写作简介 第二章 独立写作高分范文 1.Movies : seriou s or entertaining? 严肃电影还是娱乐电影? 2.Is relating well to others more important than studying hard? 搞好人际关系比努力学习更重要吗? 3.Do grades encourage students to learn? 分数鼓励学生学习吗? 4.Is daily homework necessary for students? 学生有必要每天都做家庭作业吗? 5.Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking? 写作能力比口语能力更重要吗? 6.What can help you to succeed? 什么能帮助你走向成功? 7.Is it more important to work quickly with risks making mistakes than to work slowly with everything correct? 冒着犯错误的风险高速地工作比确保万无一失地缓 慢工作更重要吗? 8.Is it essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize? 年轻人必须具备组织管理才能吗? 9.Shouldnt people pay for public transportation? 人们应该免费搭乘公共交通工具吗? 10.Land : for human needs or for endangered animals? 土地用于人类需求还是濒危动物? 11.Should the government focu s more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development? 政府应当更加注重环保,并减少对经济发展的重视 程度吗? 12.Should people work in the same company or for the same employer for their whole life? 人们应在同一家公司或为同一个雇主效力终生吗? 13.Should young people try different job s before they decide on their long-term job or career? 年轻人应当在决定长期从事的职业之前先尝试做不 同的工作吗? 14.Is it advisable for teenage children to take part-time job s? 十几岁的孩子做兼职工作可取吗? 15.Are some scientists responsible for the negative impacts made by their discoveries? 有些科学家应对其科学发现所产生的负面影响负责 吗? 16.Is advertising the main cau se of unhealthy eating habits? 广告是导致不健康饮食习惯的主要原因吗? 17.Does playing sports teach u s about life? 体育运动教给人们人生的道理吗? 18.Are environmental issues too complex to be handled by the individual? 由于环境问题过于复杂,个人是无法应对的吗? 19.The most important things for governments to do to improve health care 政府为改善医疗保健需做的最重要的工作 20.The o


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