The Application of Passive Voice被动语态的应用.docx

The Application of Passive Voice被动语态的应用.docx

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PAGE 19 吉林工业职业技术学院论文 PAGE 2 - - The Application of Passive Voice 被动语态的应用 摘 要 随着社会的发展和全球化的渐趋实现,学习英语的人越来越多,但真正能成为“英语高手”的人却很少,几乎所有英语学习者都一致认为,英语语法是英语学习中最难掌握的一个部分。语法是运用语言的规则,语言的运用,如同驾车,懂了规则不一定开得好,但倘若不懂规则就上路,危险就大了,语法是学步者的拐杖,虽说走不了多快,但对于初学者来说,也是个离不开的工具。学习语法是一件苦差事,无多少乐趣可言,虽是一剂苦药,但对于英语学习者来说,却是一剂有助于祛除语病的良药,能够让你的英语表达更加流畅、准确。语法的学习,宜循序渐进,细水长流,不可能一蹴而就,宜举一反三,灵活运用,不宜死记硬背,生搬硬套,如此一来,学习语法的最佳策略应该是自己找一本简明的语法书来细心揣摩,日积月累,这样,你会不断提高你的语法水平。 关键词:英语高手 语法 最佳策略 Abstract With the development of society and globalization achieved, more and more people become “the excellent English learner”. Almost all the English learner think, English Grammar is the difficult part in learning English. Grammar is the regulations that apply the language, applying of language, as driving a car, although you understand the rules, you may not drive well, if you don’t understand the rules when you drive a car on the road, you may be dangerous. Grammar is beginner’s walking stick, though you can’t walk quickly, to be a learner in the first stage, it is still a tool you can’t leave. Learning Grammar is a hard thing, without much pleasure, it looks like a dose of medicine, but to be an English learner, it is a dose of medicine which help you get rid of faulty wording, it can make your English express smoothly and correctly. Learning of Grammar, should proceed step by step, water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust, can’t reach the goal in one step, should draw inferences about other cases from one instance, apply flexible, shouldn’t memorize without understanding copy mechanically, so the best stratagem of learning Grammar is find a simple and clear Grammar book to think of carefully, accumulate day by day and month by month, if you do so, you will improve you Grammar continuously. Key Words:the excellent English learner Grammar the best stratagem 引 言 被动语态是英语中使用最广的句型之一,尤其是在科技与政论文体中的使用最为频繁,英语被动语态都有明显的形式标志,且有种种时态变化,与此相对,汉语的被动句中都没有明显的形式标志,被动意义往往隐含在字里行间,因此,学生们在英语表达时常常忽略被动语态的使用。被动语态便于论述客观事实,多用于书面语,


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