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基于JAVA的网上订餐系统后台的实现 THE REALIZATION OF ONLINE MEAL ORDERING SYSTEM BACKGROUND BASED ON JAVA 专 业:软件工程 姓 名:张越 指 导 老 师: 申请学位级别:学士 论文提交日期:2015-06-10 学位授予单位:天津科技大学 摘 要 二十一世纪的今天是一个以网络为中心的,集网络化,信息化,数字化的现代化社会。随着Internet的飞速发展,使得互联网在人们生活的应用日渐广泛。如电子银行,网上购物,在线聊天,网络游戏,网络教学等。随着传统的购物方式与网络化的结合,“网购”这种新兴的消费方式,越来越受到人们的欢迎。为了扩展餐饮业的普及程度,同时解决电话订餐的低效率的弊端,网上订餐系统应运而生。 网上订餐系统实际上是快餐外卖结合网上购物,以及网络信息管理技术制作的一款在线支付的餐饮外卖软件。有效提高了订餐的效率,同时客户可以通过网页界面更加鲜明地与餐品打交道,最重要的是网上订餐系统有一个非常强大的后台管理系统,可以实现会员管理、菜品管理、订单管理以及营业统计等功能,这样大大提高了系统的效率和安全性。 在本毕业设计的内容是,设计并实现一个基于JavaWeb技术的网上订餐系统的后台部分,采用B/S(Browser/Server)结构,这种结构使得数据的处理都集中在服务器上进行,通过服务器端统一管理数据,便于保证数据的一致性。界面部分采用的是JSP(Java Server Pages)编程,以MyEclipse作为界面开发工具,使得用户界面更加友好。数据库方面,采用的是MySQL ,便于系统的数据管理,同时提高了系统数据的安全性。 关键词:网上订餐;信息管理;B/S;JSP技术 ABSTRACT Twenty-first Century is a network centric, set-network, informational ,and digital modern society. With the rapid development of Internet, the Internet has been widely used in peoples life. Such as: electronic banking, online shopping, online chat, online games, network teaching, etc. Among them, with the combination of the traditional way of shopping and network, online shopping to this emerging form of consumption, more and more people have welcomed. In order to expand the popularity of the catering industry, and solve the disadvantages of low efficiency of Telephone-ordering, Online meal ordering system arises at the historic moment. Online meal ordering system is actually fast food takeaway combined with online shopping, and network information management technology to produce a online payment takeaway food software. In order to improve the efficiency of ordering, and customers can more clearly contact with the meal product through the web interface, the most important is that Online meal ordering system has a very strong background management system, can realize the function of membership management, menu management, ordering management and business statistics. This has greatly enhanced the efficiency



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