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本科毕业设计(论文) 第 PAGE II页 摘 要 当今时代,在全球竞争激烈的大市场中,无论是流程式还是离散式的制造业,无论是单件生产、多品种小批量生产、少品种重复生产还是标准产品大量生产的制造[20]。制造业内部管理都会遇到以下问题:企业可能拥有卓越的销售人员和推销人员,但是生产线上的工人却没有办法如期交货,车间管理人员则抱怨说采购部门没有能时供应他们所需要的原料[9]。以上这些情况正是大多数企业目前所面临的一个严峻的问题,然而针对这一现象,又能有什么有效的办法来解决它呢? 为了解决这些问题,出现了生产管理系统。此系统为解决在生产线上各个环结互不相通所造成的各种问题而出现。主要通过对主生产计划(MPS)、物料清单(BOM)、库存信息的协调管理来实现对整个生产线的协调管理[6]。其中生产计划决定生产什么、生产多少、什么时候生产,跟据所要生产的东西确定所需物料,跟据所需物料,同时查询库存信息,确定是否需要进货,若要进货,确定要进货的数量。因考虑系统一般为工厂内部管理人员使用。只设有一个简单的权限管理系统,即进入系统时的登陆系统。本系统以自行车生产及配件生产管理为例进行设计编写。用Visual C#.NET作为编程平台。用SQL Server 2000建立数据库。以解决上述问题为目标,实现制造业更方便更可靠生产管理为目的编写。因个人能力有限,还有许多不足之处,希望得到老师、同学的指导,才能不断进步。 关键词: 生产管理系统;Visual C#.NET;数据库 Abstract In nowadays, in the competitive market of the global, no matter the type or discrete processes of manufacturing and a single production, or more varieties of small batch production and less duplication of the production of varieties of standard products or the manufacture of mass production. The internal management of the manufacturing sector will face the following problems: The companies may have good sales staffs to promote excellence in personnel, but the workers on the production of wrokline have no way to schedule delivery. workshop managers complained that the procurement department, when it is not able to supply the raw materials they need . Situation is that the majority of these enterprises are currently facing a very tough question, but for this phenomenon also of any effective solution to it? To solve these problems, production management system comes out. The system is used to solve all the production line hitch pass each other caused by the emergence of problems. Mainly through the main production plan (MPS), bill of materials (BOM), inventory information to achieve the coordination and management of the coordination of the entire production line management. Production planning decisions of which the production of what is according to the production of things to determine the


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