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吉林大学高等教育自学考试毕业论文 PAGE 摘 要: 江苏省道路的基层、底基层材料主要采用二灰碎石和石灰土,强度高、耐久性好、造价低、便于施工、质量易保证,可以就地取材,一方面具有良好的路用性能,另一方面可以充分利用工业废料,减少环境污染,具有重要的经济意义和很大的社会和环保效益。 近年来高等级公路、城市道路建设中,得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文主要收集这两种材料的路用性能作分析介绍。由于石灰、水泥在土中的水化、水解和结晶作用,使混合料产生强度和板体性,这类材料完工初期,具有柔性材料的工作特性,随着时间的推移,强度逐渐提高,板体性增加,刚度增大。它的最终强度、弹性模量比不掺石灰或水泥的柔性基层要大几倍,但比水泥混凝土要小得多,二灰碎石和石灰土故称为半刚性基层。 半刚性基层具有一定的强度和水稳性,适宜用作高等级路面的基层或底基层。但应注意其干缩和温度收缩的特性,表面出现的裂纹容易反射到路面上来,工程中特别要注意防治。本文主要收集这两种材料的路用性能作分析介绍。 关键词:二灰碎石;石灰土;路用性能 Abstract Jiangsu Province, the road grassroots, sub-base material mainly uses two gray gravel and limestone soil, high strength, durability, low cost, ease of construction, quality and easy to guarantee, you can from local materials, on the one hand has a good road performance, and the other On the one hand you can make full use of industrial waste and reduce environmental pollution, have important economic significance and great social and environmental benefits. In recent years, high-grade highways, urban road construction, has been more and more widely used. In this paper, collect two kinds of materials, pavement performance analysis introduction. As the lime, cement hydration in the soil, hydrolysis and crystallization to produce mixture of strength and body panels, the early completion of such material, with flexible materials, operating characteristics, as time goes on, the intensity increased gradually, plate Body of increase in stiffness increases. It is the ultimate strength, elastic modulus ratio is not doped with lime or cement flexible base to be several times larger, but much smaller than the cement concrete, soil-flyash and lime it is called the semi-rigid base. Semi-rigid base has a certain strength and water stability, suitable for use as primary or high-grade road base material. It should be noted the shrinkage and temperature contraction of the characteristics of the surface of the crack easily reflected onto the road, with particular attention to prev


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