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本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:天水石油公司基层员工满意度研究 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 人力资源管理 班 级: 人力 指导教师: 完成日期: 年 5月 20日 天水石油公司基层员工满意度研究 内 容 摘 要 近年来,随着企业间竞争日益激烈,,企业人才离职率亦呈上升趋势本文公司企业文化,建立充分反映岗位价值的薪酬体系 关键词:石油企业 基层员工满意度 影响因素 An analysis of employee satisfaction of Tianshui Petroleum Steel Pipe Company Abstract In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, corporate personnel resignation rate present upward trend, the staff-to-business satisfaction is gradually declining. In this paper, Tianshui Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Tianshui oil) as the research object, in the satisfaction of employees in the company, after analyzing the present situation, the use of human resources, low employee satisfaction theory to identify the reasons, which Ji exist within the enterprise culture construction in place, and then there is the influence of its own staff. Through the analysis of the reasons put forward the measures of lifting employee satisfaction, specific performance for the perfect enterprise culture, to improve grassroots staffs recognition of the company as a whole, perfect training system, the establishment of professional level employees of long-term incentive mechanism for career planning, the establishment of fully reflect the value post pay system, job analysis, improve staff deployment system, in order to be able to improve employee satisfaction. Key words: oil enterprise Grass-roots employee satisfaction effect 目 录 序言 1 一、天水石油公司基层员工满意度现状分析 1 (一)天水石油公司简介 1 (二)天水石油公司基层员工 2 1.基层员工满意度影响因素的指标构建 2 2.基层员工满意度调查步骤 3 3.基层员工满意度现状 4 二、天水石油公司基层员工满意度低的原因分析 5 (一)企业内部因素 6 1.企业文化建设不到位 6 2.基层员工职业培训机会较少 6 3.薪酬制度缺乏激励性 6 4.未注重人事匹配 7 (二)基层员工自身因素 7 1.职业倦怠心理的影响 7 2.家庭责任与工作角色的冲突 7 三、提升天水石油公司基层员工满意度的措施 8 (一)完善企业文化 8 1.建立具有激励性企业文化 8 2.提高基层员工对企业整体的认可度 8 (二)完善培训制度,建立基层员工职业生涯规划的长效激励机制 8 1.完善基层员工培训发展制度 9 2.建立基层员工职业生涯规划的长效激励机制 9 (三)建立充分反映岗位价值的薪酬体系 10 (五)注意基层员工



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