国外国际BS 2782-8-Method 820A-1996 (1998).pdf

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Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 29 August 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD BS 2782-8: Method 820A: 1996 ISO 2528:1995 Methods of testing Plastics — Part 8: Other properties — Method 820A: Determination of water vapour transmission rate (dish method) I S B ) c ( , y p o C d e l l o r t n o c n U , 3 0 0 2 t s u g u A 9 2 , d t L l e t h IMPORTANT NOTE. Before reading this method it is essential to read c BS 2782-0 Introduction issued separately e B , l a s k o K n i ICS 85.080 k A : y p o C d e s n e c i L BS 2782-8:Method 820A:1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee PAI/11, Methods of test for paper, board and pulp, upon which the following bodies were represented: The British Apparel and Textile Confederation The British Carton Association The British Fibreboard Packaging Association The British Printing Industry Federation The Envelope Makers’ and Manufacturing Stationers’ Association Her Majesty’s Stationery Office The Institute of Paper Conservation Ministry of Defenc


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