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* * * * Module5 Ethnic culture 玉龙雪山 梅里雪山 滇池-云南第一湖 亚热带雨林 丽江云杉 跳舞草 橡胶树 望天树 Golden monkey elephant peacock 绿孔雀 小熊猫 蟒 Stone forest 香格里拉 Tiger Leaping gorge First bend of Yangze River 三江并流 长江第一湾 傣族泼水节 纳西族 丽江古城 腾冲地热火山 丽江古城 大理 西双版纳 Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary Reading Learning aims: By listening, reading and pair work: 1. Students can know more about Yunnan . 2. Students can use some sentences in the text to introduce something about Yun nan. fast Reading Match the key words with the para. Match the key words with the para. Para.1 music Para.2 location of Lijiang Para.3 Naxi language Para.4 Naxi women Para.5 writer’s feeling Para.6 streets of the old town Reading….. Careful Reading To get detailed information. Down in the______ , in____________ it’s very tropical. But I am in Lijiang in ________ Yunnan , it’s a half _____ town and half ____ town. Opposite the old town is the ______ metre ______________ Mountain, its peak _____ with snow. . south Xishuangbanna, Lijiang north-west new old 5,500 YulongXueshan Paragraph 1: its location covered 1.____ run Naxi society and inherit the property. A. Men B. Women 2.Naxi women are ____ interested in tourists. A. completely B. not 3.The Naxi language_____ A. is still spoken today B. is not spoken any more. 4.The Naxi people believe they hatched from _____. A.stones B. magic eggs Para.5 T or F questions: 1.Naxi music is passed from generation to generation.( ) 2.The music they played always sounded sad ( ). 3.The Water Dragon Is Singing is a pop song. ( ) 4.The Naxi music is so boring that the audience falls asleep while listening.( ) T F F F an ancient song sometimes 4.Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them.一个个就像着了魔似的,听得如痴如醉. What can you see from the



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