人教版高中英语必修四Unit1 Reading.ppt

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人教版高中英语必修四Unit1 Reading.ppt

2) observe (1) vi.vt. to notice/ watch carefully 观察注意到。 observe + n./pron./ sb. doing/do sth that-cl 3. Their _________ (举止) towards me shows that they do not like me. 4. She had a happy _________ (童年). 5. Television provides knowledge as well as ____________ (娱乐). 6. She is so _________ (直言的) that she has hurt the feelings of all her friends. 7. There are no trees or bushes to give s_____ in this area, so it is very hot here. 1. He finds it hard to train children to ______ (behave) well at the table. 2. It didn’t seem __________ (worthwhile) writing it all out again. 3. The police have been _________ (observe) his movements these days. 4. As a teacher, he is ________ (respect) for his good teaching. 5. What are you two _______ (argue) about? 6. This school is _________ (support) by the government. 7. We remembered the ________ (inspire) talks he gave us last time. IV. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. Nobody else walked out, and the train _________ (开走了) shortly afterwards. He alone stood on the platform. 2. They __________ (挤进去) to see the performance. Once water begins to boil, its temperature no longer rises. 水一开始沸腾,温度就不再升高。 Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten. 见一次就永远不会忘记。 Physics is easy to learn once you understand the rules. 一旦你理解了规则,物理就不难学了。 [仿写] 一旦你开始读, 你就会喜欢它。 2. 一旦你开始了,就不要放弃。 3. 一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。 Once you get into a bad habit, it is hard to get out of it. Once you begin to read it, you will like it. Once you start, never give it up. 13. inspire sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事 His speech inspired us greatly. The teacher inspired us to make greater efforts. The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel. inspire 促成;赋予灵感 inspired 有灵感的 inspiring 激励人心的 1. The agreement strengthened the _______ (联系) between the two countries. 2. A bird lays eggs in the ___ (巢) it has built. I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。 bond(s) nest behaviour childhood entertainment outspoken shade II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 behave worthwhile observing respecte


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