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PAGE PAGE 1 § Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ◆puma n. 美洲狮 ◆spot v. 看出,发现 ◆evidence n. 证据 ◆accumulate v. 积累,积聚 ◆oblige v. 使…感到必须 ◆hunt n. 追猎;寻找 ◆blackberry n. 黑莓 ◆human being 人类 ◆corner v. 使走投无路,使陷入困境 ◆trail n. 一串,一系列 ◆print n. 印痕 ◆cling (clung, clung ) v. 粘 ◆convince v.使…信服 ◆somehow adv. 不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因 ◆disturb v. 令人不安 学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用 学习关键句型结构时则要把它放在段落结构或文章里 spot v. 看出,发现 to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize e.g:I spotted a police car behind us. It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer. I spotted someone coming out of the building. pick out / see / recognize / catch sight of eg: A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. He has good eye for spotting mistakes. 他有敏锐的识别错误的能力。 spot(做动词时候) = see:强调结果、辨别出、看见、识别、发现。 同意词比较: find 强调发现的结果。 find out 查出事实真相。 discover 做出重大发现 notice 注意到 observe 观察 watch 观察活动中的人或画面 spot n. 斑点 eg: There is a white spot on the shirt. on the spot 1,立刻,马上(at once, immediately ) Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. 2,at the place of the action 在现场 Wherever she is needed , she is quickly on the spot. ★evidence [u]n. 证据 不可数名词 When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence. evidence=proof(n.证据) in evidence:显而易见的. He was in evidence at the party. evident adj./evidently adv. accumulate vt,vi. 积累,积聚 accumulate 强调积累的过程 As the evidence accumulates, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. gather vt. 聚集,把某人召集在某处 we gathered under tower clock. The teacher gathered his students in the class. collect 收集,采集 Do you collect stamps?Yes,I collect stamps as my hobby. assemble 集合,集会, vt. 装配 A large number of people assemble on the square. hoard 大量地贮存hoard up= store up The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter. (squirrel n.松鼠; nut n. 坚果) amass 积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品) The clouds amassed above the hills. ★oblige v. 使…感到必须make sb feel it is necessary to d



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