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* Unit 3 Travel journal Word Study 2.他是一个难相处的人。 He is a man _____________________________.(get) (who/that is ) hard to get along with 1.你有没有梦想过出国,以此来拓宽自己的眼界?(dream) Have you ever _______________________________ to broaden your horizons? dreamed of/about going abroad 3.自从进入高中以来,他再也没有玩电脑游戏了。(play) Never____________________ computer games since he entered high school. has he played 出席会议的是李教授以及他的学生。(present) It was professor Li together with his students _____________________ the meeting. 正是他提出的奇怪的想法让我感到困惑。(confuse) It was the strange idea that he came up with _______. 究竟是什么时候他们定居在北京的? (settle) When was it _________________ Beijing? 你能否告诉我咱们班到底是谁如此固执以至于他一旦下定决心什么也改变不了他的主意。 Could you tell me ___________ in our class that is so stubborn that once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it?(it) that/who was present at that confused me that they settled in who it is 4.他们提议在假期开放图书馆。(keep) They suggested the library ________________ during the vacation. (should) be kept open 5这家工厂的工人要求他们的工资要上涨20%。 The workers in this factory demanded that their pay _________________ by 20%. (raise) (should) be raised 6.这个人坚持认为自己没有做错任何事而要求被释放。 The man insisted that he __________nothing wrong and that he _______________. (set) (should) be set free had done 让我们从我们昨天停下来的地方开始吧。 (stop) Let’s start from ___________________ yesterday. 信不信由你,从我现在站着的地方你可以看的更清楚。(stand) Believe it or not, you can see more clearly from __________________________. 谢谢你给我提供了一个很好的平台,我可以展示我的才华。 Thank you for providing me with a good platform _____________________________.(display) where we stopped where I am standing where I can display my talent Learning for fun ! Journey to the West Ever since primary school, I have watched the TV play Journey to the West. 1.I like the story Journey to the West . =am fond of 2.I like the TV play better than the film. =I _______ the TV play _____ the film. =I ____________Liu xiao ling tong____________ Stephen Chou . 3. I like watching Liu Xiao Ling Tong better than wa


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