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PAGE 8A期末复习练习(六) 8AU5 动词 )The boy quickly____________(run)to the train station, but it was too late. The famous singer from Taiwan __________(come)to W Thank you very much for_________(clean) up the garden for me. My mother bought some pots__________(grow)flowers. I _________(write) a letter to my friend in the USA now. Can you turn the TV off? Father asks me_________(not play)football on the road. It’s dangerous. If you ________(not be)careful with the dog, it will bite you. Ask Tim where _________(buy)a T-shirt like his. I like his very much. The children ___________(not go)for a picnic last Friday because it snowed that day They ___________(plan)to have an outing half an hour ago, didn’t they? Eddie _____________(weigh)5 kilograms at the age of one. If Eddie __________(die), no one will look after Hobo. __________(not go)away until he__________(come) back. The man often ____________(plant) trees on the hill in the past. The teacher told us the sun____________(rise)in the east. You’d better____________(not leave)the door open, had you? A tiger was lost from the zoo, The police ______________(search) for it now. I often heard them___________(talk) on the phone last year. What great fun it is___________(see)so many wild animals! Could you please _____________(not talk) so loudly? Tom is sleeping. John ____________(write)a letter to his brother every month The scientist______________(not give) us a talk yesterday. Hurry up, or you ____________(miss) the bus . When I was a child, I often __________(feel)strange why the sun always rises in the east. I ___________(not believe) it until I see it with my own eyes Everybody was surprised___________(know)the cat was the ghost. He left the room without__________(say)goodbye. He ___________(come)back from the USA in half a month. Tom’s pen friend__________(reply)to his letter yesterday, so he is very happy now. When they saw the teacher, they stopped___________(talk)at once. What do you think of the colour of th


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