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初 三 完 型 填 空 专 题 复 习;一、完形填空命题原则;二完型填空的考查趋势;命题形式 ;命题特点;三、解题步骤;四、解题策略;下面我们以刚刚考过的适应性调研试题中的完形填空为例,来探讨一下完形填空题地做题技巧及 考察趋势: I hated math and was really bad at it when I was young . So I found others to allow me to copy their work . In this way, I ___41__ a few tests. But one day something ___42____ happened . Our teacher changed our ____43___ for the exam and I was sitting beside a boy that I hardly __44___ with before . As I could only answer a question or two, I had to turn to him__45__ I didn’t want to have a sea of red cross (叉号) in my paper. I asked him for the answers. To my surprise, he ___46___ at once . Of course, I was really -----47_ at his behavior and thought badly of him . After the test he __48___ me , telling me that I could get grades in math if I worked hard . I was still ___49__ with him, but I could n`t get his words out of my mind. From that day on, I ___50___ more time on my math. Slowly, the subject I __51__ hated so much turned into such an interesting thing. Time passed and I was getting many As in my math even till my higher studies. Till today , I am still ___52__ to my friend who didn’t allow me to copy his work . He ___53___ if he provided me with the “help” during the test, there would be no __54___ for me to shine . So let others shine and don’t ever rob(掠夺) others of their opportunity to show their ___55___.;41. A . worked out B. dealt with C. sold out D. got through 42. A. amazing B. important C. strange D. terrible 43. A. seats B. plans C. papers D. terrible 44. A. copied B. talked C. discussed D. studied 45. A. when B. although C. until D. if 46. A. agreed B. replied C. refused D. left 47. A. worried B. annoyed C. troubled D. surprised 48.A. came u


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