病理学Chapter 4肿瘤(英文).ppt

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Tumors of nervous system 1. The central nervous tumors (1) Glioma ① Astrocytoma ② Oligodendroglioma ③ Ependymoma (2) Medulloblastoma (3) Meningioma 成人脑瘤以胶质细胞瘤多,多位于大脑; 儿童脑瘤以胶质细胞瘤和髓母细胞瘤多,多位于小脑; 2. Peripheral nervous tumors (1) Neurofibroma (2) Neurilemmoma 3. Retinoblastoma Neurilemmoma Retinoblastoma Others Nevus (Nevi):先天性畸形,非真性肿瘤 来源:皮内黑色素母细胞及皮神经鞘膜细胞 a. Dermal Nevi (表皮内痣) b. Junctional Nevi (交界痣):恶变多 c. Compound Nevi (复合痣) Others (1) Pigmented nevus Most authorities agree that the melanocytes are derived from neuro-ectoderm, and migrate to the basal layer of the skin in early intrauterine life A nevus or more implies a benign pigmented tumor containing nevus cells. melanoma(黑色素瘤) High grade malignant tumor. Most from junctional nevi 大体:边不规则,棕黑色 镜下:核仁明显 诊断:DOPA反应阳性,HMB-45染色 预后:极差.早期淋巴道转移.放射线不敏感 易转移到肝,肺和脑 Adenocarcinoma:单纯﹏,囊﹏ 乳头状囊﹏ ,黏液﹏ , Signet-ring cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma of breast (carcinoma simplex) Types: a. Sclerous carcinoma: dense stroma b. Medullary carcinoma encephaloid carcinoma: Little stroma, and large masses of tumor cells. c. Carcinoma simplex: Poor defferentiation adenocarcinoma with equal quantities of tumor cells and stroma. Undifferentiated carcinoma:分化差,组织来源难鉴别的恶性肿瘤 特点:多见于肺,可见于胃,食道,鼻咽等.     网状纤维染色用于鉴别诊断.     恶性程度高,常发生血道转移.     对放射线和化疗药较敏感. Carcinoid (类癌)--argentaffin carcinoma 来源:神经嵴的嗜银细胞 好发部位:胃肠道与支气管,阑尾多 生长慢,<2cm很少转移. 组织学特点:细胞小,大小和形态较一致.核圆分裂少;       细胞质少,嗜银染色        younger person, B. M. tumors relativity, change of tissue (more forms, complicated elements) fibro - , lipo - , leiomyo - , rhabdomyo - , hemagio - , lymphangio - , osteo - , chondro – 二. Mesenchymal tissue (non lymphohematopoietic) 2. Tumors of soft tissues (1) tumors of fibro-tissue a. fibroma b. fibrosarcoma (2) tumors of fat tissue a. lipoma (2) tumors of fat tissue b. liposarcoma (3) Tumors of muscle Leiomyo



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