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屋顶花园的规划设计 [ ]在21世纪的今天,由丁?人口趋向城市密集,而现代建筑也随之增加。伴 随建筑的增加,而大块的绿地面积锐减,和应的环境条件愈加恶化,致使人们对 环境的关注和重视达到前所未有的程度。因此,可看到在城市的发展建设过程中, 都充分利用各块绿地,增加绿地面积,“见逢插绿”。即便这样,还是达不到人 们预期的目的,而现代建筑物人多为平顶房,屋顶多采用钢筋混凝土预制板结构, 现代的建筑方法是在预制板上面做隔热防水层,从空屮鸟瞰,一栋栋楼群房好似 戴着黑帽子,住在屋顶的居民也备受沥青之害,过着冬冷夏热的生活。近两年许 多人开始建造屋顶花园,让死气沉沉的屋顶生机盎然。在这样的情况下,利用各 建筑屋顶开辟园林绿地,营造屋顶花园成了最具发展前景的恢复绿地最有效最直 接的措施,因此而被广泛应用。 [关键字]功能规划设计养护 The Design of Roof Graden Abstract Nowadays as the intensive of urban agglomeration, there is major increase of modern buildings, which leads to a sharp drop of the green space in the city. People realize the deterioration of the enviroment and now take more attention to it- They are trying to utilizing all typies of space to expand the green ares, however, it is still far away from they expected. Furthermore, the modern building is mainly having a plain roof made from ferroconcrete prefabricated slab with a top insulation and waterproof layer as pitch. This construction looks like a black hat on the buliding if look down from sky. Another weak of the pitch is that it does not work well on insulation and waterproof. It is worth mentioning that there have been some private roof gardens occuring in the past few years which make the stiff traditional roof more lively. It helps to open a new view to cstabish more green areas by using the top plain of the building. The design of roof garden has become one of the most effective and hostest way to rebuild the green space to be widely used. Keywords Function des ign ma i ntcnance 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 引言 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h 一、 屋顶花园的历史及现状 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document \h 二、 屋顶花园的功能 5 保证特定范围内居住环境的生态平衡和良好生活环境 6 对建筑构造层白保护 6 屋顶绿化可以通过储水,减少屋面泄水,减轻城市排水系统的压 )} 6 绿化屋顶具有储水功能 6 屋顶绿化可以使自然降水渗入地下 6 的结构设计 6 屋顶层结构的设计 6 植物种植层结构的设计 6 植物的种植设计 7 屋顶花园植物品种的选择 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h 四、 屋顶花园养护与管理 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark11 \o Current Document \h 五、 屋顶花园防水措施及茹载 8 HYPERLINK


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