What is your style(你的穿衣风格).ppt

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What is your style ? French style : effortless “It is not a stereotyped (老套的) as people think…We do not always go out the streets wearing a beret or a pair of cigarette pants,” said French personal stylist Isabelle Thomas, who recently published a book entitled Paris Street Style: A Guide to Effortless Chie. “effortless” is a word often used to describe French style , which is all about looking good without appearing to be trying too hard. French woman clothes always look spontaneous(随性的), as if they have thrown them on without even thinking about it. Secrets of French style American fashion : casual American woman are rocking a casual look, worn-out jeans and loose-fitting plaid shirt, like Hollywood stars are always seen in. Unlike French style , American fashion is more trend-driven. Woman like to purchase outfits in style that resemble the latest concepts or hot celebrities of the moment. Italian chic : silhouette Getting to know one’s own figure and what works best for it is the first and most important thing in creating an Italian look. Italian women have lots of tools to highlight and flatter their bodies, no matter what the shape. From bras to body suits, they put underwear that will make them look good from inside out. * Have you been browsing the street style slide shows the fall 2013 fashion week? Yeah, us too. But before you copy a look that is captured your heart , think about this: what style is it ? French, Italian, or maybe American. Although people say that fashion has no borders, every country has a very different take on clothes and a distinct approach to style . Ignore trends : What French women do not do is follow trends. They do not care for magazines that “chatter” about what should be worn. No-nos : French styles means no quilted jackets, jogging clothes in velour, or wear


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