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- 英语复习材料汇总(非听力) 一.language focus Unit1 1.Disappointment,grief and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter. 收到信后,失望、悲伤和失眠折磨了他好几天 2.A newspaper published some rather sobering information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other countries. 一家报纸刊登了一些关于其他国家酒后驾车定罪处罚的发人深省的资料。 3.Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your fellow men. 成功就是发现你最优秀的才能、技能和能力,并将它们应用到对你的伙伴做出最有效贡献的地方。 4.People familiar with the matter said that an official announcement could come as early as today. 知情人士说,一项正式声明最早可能在今天公布。 5. Every human being should learn to truly appreciate the beauty of nature and the miracle of life. 每个人都应该学会真正地欣赏大自然的美和生命的奇迹。 6.She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring. 她安慰自己,以为马上就要到春天了。 7.Such change compels governments around the world to develop specific policies to solve the current crisis. 这种变化迫使世界各国政府制定具体政策来解决当前的危机。 8.Consumers usually see a well-regarded brand name as a assurance of quality. 消费者通常认为信誉良好的品牌是质量的保证。 Unit2 1.Engineers are carrying out essential maintenance work on the main line to Cambridge. 工程师们正在对剑桥的干线进行必要的保养工作。 2.Do you think you could glance over the minutes(会议记录) that I have drafted of our last meeting before I have them typed out? 你认为你可以先浏览一下我上次会议起草的会议记录,然后再把它们打印出来吗? 3. No one will work indefinitely without some form of compensation. 没有某种形式的补偿,没有人会无限期地工作。 4.There were hasty discussions in an atmosphere of mounting tension and panic. 在增长紧张和恐慌的气氛中进行了仓促的讨论. 5.She stood and quietly contemplated the scene that lay before her. 她站在那里静静地注视着她面前的情景。 6. Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body’s organs. 不良的姿势,坐着或走路无精打采地坐着,将压缩身体的器官。 7.A hot compress with this ointment can reduce swelling and alleviate pain. 用这种药膏热敷可以消肿胀止痛。 8.Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs? 他们被解雇时得到了什么补偿吗?



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