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距信纸抬头下边缘 距信纸抬头下边缘1.30cm 空 一 行April 29, 2005 空 一 行 空 一 行PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 空 一 行 Memorandum to: Jeff Wood, Esq. Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong) 空 两 行 空 两 行 Chinese Court’s Jurisdiction Over AT &T *此为提纲挈领之部门,可促使作者在之后的法律分析中紧扣题目,故有书写此部分必要空 两 行 *此为提纲挈领之部门,可促使作者在之后的法律分析中紧扣题目,故有书写此部分必要 空 两 行 空 一 行Background 空 一 行 右边距为3.00cm左边距为3.00cm*凡冒号、句号等表示一句终了的标点之后均空两格You have asked us to advise whether a Chinese court would have Jurisdiction over AT&T in the following transaction: * AT&T plans to invest in a Chinese-foreign joint venture company (the “Joint Venture Company”) through Pudong LLC, an offshore special purpose vehicle to be established and wholly owned by it. * Once established, Pudong LLC will enter into a joint venture agreement (the “Joint Venture Agreement”) with two Chinese parties to form the Joint Venture Company. At the request of the Chinese parties, AT&T intends to provide a guarantee in the form of a comfort letter (the “Letter”) to ensure the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement. The Letter (a copy of which having been provided to us) expressly provides that it is governed by New York law and subject to the jurisdiction of New York or Federal courts in the United States. 右边距为3.00cm 左边距为3.00cm *凡冒号、句号等表示一句终了的标点之后均空两格 Question The question is whether AT&T will be subject to the jurisdiction of a Chinese court by executing the Letter in the manner as described above. *客户时间有限,有时只需要简短的结论性回答 *客户时间有限,有时只需要简短的结论性回答 Short Answer* If a dispute arises from the interpretation or performance of the Joint Venture Agreement and, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, a claim is made against Pudong LLC before a Chinese court having jurisdiction over the claim, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party and the Chinese court may decide that, since the Letter is part and parcel of the Joint Venture A



