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Module 12 Western music;Vienna is the centre of European classical music.;生词书签;musician n. 乐手;音乐家;waltz n. 华尔兹舞(曲);Lead-in;小组讨论——你喜欢音乐吗? 说一些你知道的歌手,乐器或曲子? ;What is she doing? She is playing the violin. Do you know anything about the violin?;Can you play the piano? Do you know anything about Li Yundi?;What are they doing? They are dancing. I know some nice dance music, share with you.;Strauss;concert musician piano violin;Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences.;3. Mozart’s family took him around Europe. 4. The father, Johann Strauss, died in 1791. 5. Mozart wrote The Blue Danube.;Answer the questions.;3. How many waltzes did Johann Strauss the younger write? He wrote over 150 waltzes. 4. When was Mozart born? He was born in 1756. 5. How old was Mozart when he died? He was 35.;another elder European perfect poor popular;Both Strauss the (1) ______ and Strauss the younger wrote some very (2) _______ music. (3) _______ successful composer from Vienna was Mozart, but he became very (4) ______ and died at the age of thirty-five. Many people think Mozart’s music is (5) _______. All three were great (6) _________ musicians.;你都选对了吗?;Use the notes to write a passage about the Chinese composer Xian Xinghai.;¤ born in Macao, China, 1905 ¤ died young, 1945 ¤ called the “People’s Musician” ¤ used traditional Chinese music ¤ studied in Paris ¤ songs are still popular today;Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in ...;When you write, choose your tenses carefully. Think about whether you are writing about something that is still true now or happened in the past.;1. musician 是名词,意为“乐手;音乐家”, music 是名词,意为“音乐”。意义不同。 2. European 是形容词,意为“欧洲的”, 它的名词形式是 Europe,意为“欧洲” 。 3. century 是名词,意为“世纪”,即一百年 century = a / one hundred years;4. piece 是名词, 意为“(写作、音乐或艺术的)作品”, 以前我们学过 piece 也是名词, 意为“块、片、段(等)”。意义不同。;5. poor 是形容词,意思是“贫穷的”, 反义词是 rich “富裕的”。即:;1. Vienna is a beautiful old c


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