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PAGE II PAGE I PAGE I 如何塑造企业价值观和培养企业文化 摘 要 当今社会,企业之间竞争的背后是文化理念的竞争,依靠企业文化进行管理是企业的最高境界,而企业文化最核心的内容应该是价值观,企业价值观回答了企业是什么、将来是什么、应该是什么的问题,是企业赖以安身立命的根本,企业所有行为都是从企业价值观这个根本延伸出来。优秀的企业必须具有优秀的 HYPERLINK /lunwen_list.php?keyword=企业文化 \t _blank 企业文化,必须具备科学的企业价值观,人力资源管理离不开价值观的指导,价值观也离不开人力资源管理的表现和强化。把价值观融入人力资源管理制度,对企业文化建设和人力资源管理都至关重要。 本文结合中国石化工程建设公司(SEI)发展目标及在建设企业价值观中遇到的问题,试从价值观在人力资源管理中的地位和作用,价值观的塑造、价值观的“落地”等角度出发,对企业价值观建设的途径与方法进行研究。 关键字:企业文化,人力资源管理制度,企业价值观 ABSTRACT Todays society, competition among enterprises is a cultural concept behind the competition, relying on corporate culture management is the highest level, and the corporate culture, core values should be the content, answer the business enterprise value is what what the future should be What is the problem, not to live on the enterprise, all of which are from the enterprise business value out of this fundamental extension. Excellent enterprise must have excellent corporate culture, corporate values must have a scientific, human resources management can not do without the guidance of values and values are inseparable from the performance of human resources management and strengthening. The values into human resources management system, to the corporate culture-building and human resources management are critical. In this paper, Sinopec Engineering Incorporation (SEI) in the construction of the development objectives and the problems encountered by corporate values, test values in human resource management from the status and role of shaping the values, values of landing and other perspectives, Construction of corporate values to study ways and means. Keywords: corporate culture, human resources management system, business values 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc276641558 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc276641558 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc276641559 1 企业文化及企业价值观内涵概述 PAGEREF _Toc276641559 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc276641560 1.1 企业文化的内涵 PAGEREF _Toc276641560 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc276641561 1.2 企业价值观的内涵 PAGEREF _Toc276641561


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