Canterbury tales 中 Prioress形象分析.docxVIP

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Canterbury tales 中 Prioress形象分析

An Analysis about the Characterization of the Prioress I assume that most of people in the world are familiar with Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), the most important and influential poet in medieval. So, undoubtedly, you are certainly having no strange to his greatest achievement —The Canterbury Tales. This essay is going to discuss a character from one of excerpts. This excerpt named The Prioress portrays a nun who I will describe later with 3 adjectives based on the evidence. The characterization of the nun, firstly, I am inclined to say she is secular in spite of her nun identity. Traditionally, nun should take an oath with the name of the God; however, this nun should say “By St.Loy”, and this person is a popular saint at this time. According to it, we can acquire that she is fashionable enough to know what is prevalent, which deviates from the standard of a nun—to be fairyism. What’s more, the way she intones in the sentence is described like this “intoning through her nose the words divine”, and she sings in a becoming way, all of these indicate she wants to show her sex appeal .In addition, her vulgar nickname “Madame Eglantine” also proves her secularity. Secondly, I think she is ridiculous. The sentence “She spoke good French, as taught at Stratford-Bow” is an irony. Because this school is near the London, so her so-called French has strong London accent, actually she is not good at French. The next sentence “For the Parisian French she did not know” approves it further .Though she is not adept at it she still stick to saying, and it makes her ridiculous. She is not a noble person, but from the sentence “To imitate court ways, and had her pride, both amiable and gracious in her dealings”, we can see she is pretending to be noble. What a ridiculous and funny behavior! From this sentence we can feel her vain leads she to ridiculous and her ridicule exist in this kind of vain. Her vain is also embedded in the creature she shows sympathy for. She gives little dog


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