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图3 “Linear Regression:Statistics”对话框 描述性统计量 部分相关和偏相关 共线性诊断 德宾-沃森自相关 关于回归系数的选择项 非标准化回归系数95%置信区间 非标准化回归系数的方差-协方差 与回归系数相关的统计量 提供决定系数、估计标准误、ANOVA表等 显示每个自变量进入方程后对R2和F值的影响 观测值诊断 当自变量之间存在高度相关性,将引起回归方程估计结果不稳定,参数(回归系数)估计的标准误大大增加,称为共线性。 共线性诊断: 1)条件数(Condition Index): k<10(轻度) 10<k<30(中度) k>30(严重) 2)方差扩大因子(VIF): >5或10,严重 3) Tolence(容忍度): <.1 严重 图6 “Linear Regression:Options”对话框 逐步回归法变量取舍标准 用F值的显著性水平作为标准 用F值作为标准 在回归方程中包括常项 缺失值的处理方式 用均值代替缺失值 (1)输出结果文件中的第一部分: 3.3 结果和讨论 复相关=√R2 Y R2y.12 Y X1 X2 (1)输出结果文件中的第一部分: 3.3 结果和讨论 R2的改变都是显著的,说明增加自变量可以显著地改善对因变量的预测 第三个回归方程的解释率最高 2)输出的结果文件中第二部分: F检验的结果显示,三个回归方程都显著 1 H0 : B1=0 2 H0 : B1= B2=0 3 H0 : B1= B2= B3=0 非标准化回归方程: Y=7.337+.276×Z1+e Y=14.129+.227×Z1-3.301×Z4+e Y=4.335+.268×Z1-6.286×Z4+10.188×Z5+e 标准化回归方程: Y=.413×Z1+e Y=.340×Z1- .336×Z4+ e Y=.401×Z1- 6.639×Z4 + .477×Z5+e 多重回归的矩阵表达 1. 一般公式 2. 矩阵表示 3. 最小二乘估计 Y X1 X2 Zero-Order 零阶相关/简单相关 Part Correlation 部分相关 Y X1 X2 Part correlation? Correlation between Y and X1 when variable due to X2 has been partialed out of X1, but not out of Y. Partial Correlation 偏相关 Y X1 X2 partial correlation of Y and X, controlling for other predictors. ? Simple correlation of Y and X, after all influences of predictors have been partialed out of both Y and X. 作业 等距、等级和分类变量的相关 一元回归 二元回归 各做一个分析,数据“作业.sav” * The standardized residual (ZPRED) is the residual divided by its standard error. Standardizing is a method for transforming data so that its mean is zero and standard deviation is one. If the distribution of the residuals is approximately normal, then 95% of the standardized residuals should fall between -2 and +2. If many of the residuals fall outside of + or – 2, then they could be considered unusual. However, about 5% of the residuals could fall outside of this region due to chance. The studentized residuals (SRESID) take into account that the variance of the predicted value used in calculating residuals is not constant. As Norusis discuss


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