基于安卓系统的数据库应用 .docx

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吉林大学毕业论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT V 吉林大学软件学院 基于安卓系统的数据库应用 -记账管理 摘要 目前的社会,科技迅猛发展, 日益增加的移动设备的重要性已经引发了科技巨头之间的激烈竞争,如Symbian,谷歌,微软,苹果,诺基亚。这些公司都企图获得更大移动平台的市场份额。因此,谷歌推出一个开源的Android平台,包括一个操作系统,中间件和设备关键应用程序。而以智能手机为代表的Android设备越来越受到大众的喜爱,应用人群也越来越多。尤其是在国外,Android智能手机逐渐成为智能手机的主流趋势,正处于朝气蓬勃的发展阶段。而对Android系统的应用已不仅仅局限于智能手机产业,近几年来其已经迅速扩张到其他相关领域。 本文主要论述一款基于安卓系统的记账管理软件的设计和实现所经历的整个软件开发的过程,包括可行性分析、需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计、编码和测试。在对数据库灵活运用的基础上,严格按照软件开发的生命周期,来完成整个软件的开发,最终开发出一款多用户的记账管理软件,并通过对此软件的开发来讲述对Android数据库的应用以及开发相关知识。 关键字: Android, 数据库,记账管理软件 Applications of Android-based Database - Accounting Management Abstract With the rapid development of technology, the increasing importance of mobile devices has led to fierce competition between the technology giants, such as Symbian, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nokia. All of them attempt to gain greater market share of the mobile platform in the current society. Android devices which are represented by smart phones are increasingly adored by the public, and more and more people choose to use them. Especially in the foreign country, the Android smartphone has gradually become the main trend of the smartphone, be placed in the stage in booming development in vigor. Android system is not limited to the smart phone industry, in recent years it has rapidly expanded to other areas. This paper discusses an experience in the design and implementation of the accounting management software based on Android system throughout the software development process, including feasibility analysis, requirement analysis,systems analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding and testing. In strict accordance with a software development life cycle, I complete the software on the basis of the flexible application of database, eventually developed a multi-user accounting management software, and to tell the story of the application of the database based on Android and development-related knowledge through the development of this s


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