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·国际交流· 图书馆杂志(2015年第11期  总第295期) 88  Library Journal(Vol.34.No.11) 增强馆员能力  培育创新服务 ——访问新加坡南洋理工大学图书馆的启示与思考 * 1 1 2 1 张 洁 仲汇慧 冯 吉 郭 晶 (1 上海交通大学图书馆;2 上海财经大学图书 馆) 摘  要  通过在新加坡南洋理工大学图书馆的研修与考察,立足信息环境变革大背景中图书馆的 转型与发展,分析其以人为核心,增强馆员能力以推进转型的策略,解读其以新技术为工具,培 育学术传播和新媒体服务的实践,讨论这些趋势与实践对中国高校图书馆发展的意义,提出深化 学科馆员资质标准、引入与加强创新服务内容、营造多元空间设施与空间创新服务等建议举 措。 关键词  新加坡 学科馆员 资质标准 创新服务 新媒体 学术传播 DOI: 10.13663/ki.lj.2015.11.015 Improve the Ability of Librarians, Foster the Spirit of Innovative  Service: Thoughts after Visiting Nanyang Technology University  Library 1 1 2 1 Zhang Jie , Zhong Huihui , Feng Ji , Guo Jing (1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library; 2 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Library) Abstract This article is based on research training in Nanyang Technological University Library (NTUL) and discusses how NTUL adapts to the ever-changing information landscape: NTUL considers librarians as the key to the library mission, and highly values the professional development of librarians, so as to fulfill the mission statement and apply innovative services. These innovative services include scholarly communication and new media services—both are based on the implementation of new technologies. Professional development and innovative library services in NTUL cast some light on the developing way for Chinese academic libraries. The article thus proposes to deepen the qualification standards of subject librarians, introduce and enhance the innovation services, and redesign multi-space facilities for readers. Key words Singapore, Subject librarian, Qualification standard, Innovative service,


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