英语人教版三年级下册when is.doc

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英语人教版三年级下册when is

人教版小学英语五年级下册 Unit4When is the Easter? Part A(第一课时) 合肥市桂花园学校 徐梅 Teaching Content: Unit4 Part A Teaching Type: Listening and Reading Teaching Method: Bottom—up approach Teaching Aids:Some flashcards; Teaching Analysis: In the last unit, students have learned the twelve months and different festivals and the structure: when is the....? Its in.......So in this lesson, students will learn the dates from first to fifth. And try to talk about the dates: When is ....? Its on...... Teaching Aims: Language Focus: Students can understand and say the key words : first,second,third, fourth, fifth and try to understand the word: special. Learn to understand and use the sentence: When is......? Its on......! Learning Ability: Students can learn to talk about dates, ask and answer about the festivals . Try to write about favorite month. Moral learning: Students should know something about Easter and some traditional festivals.. Teaching Importance and Difficulties: Pay attention to the pronunciation of [th]. Learn to talk about dates, using: Its on....... Teaching procedures Procedure Content Methods Purpose Pre-preparation While-task Procedure Warm-up Sing a song 通过儿歌,活跃班级气氛,复习上个单元所学的12 个月份。 Revision 1.Quick response 2.Play the game. 巩固月份的单词,复习节日及问答句型:when is ....? Its in...... Words lead-in and learn the key structure. 1.Listen and answer. 2.Listen and read. 3.Practice in pairs. 4.Finish the match exercise on P38. 通过一段school calendar的自编听力导出新单词,跟读操练。利用所学日期通过pair-work来操练重点句型。并处理课本P38习题,用问答的形式巩固重点句型:When is….? It’s on…….. Get the main idea and the key information of the dialog. And try to recite the dialog. 1.Listen and finishLet’s try 2.Listen and answer. 3.Watch the video and answer. 4.Listen and fill in the blanks. 5.Read after the tape , read in different groups and then act it out. 通过听听力,看视频回答不同层次的问题, 掌握课文的大意和关键信息再通一遍听力尝试复述课文。 通过跟读,分组读不同形式操练对话最后角色扮演。 Post-task activities Introduce something about Easter. .Enjoy some pictures about Easter. 欣赏图片了解关于复活节的一些常识。 Learn about



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