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Lesson 9 How Does a Plant Grow? 4.cover v. 覆盖 n. 盖子 1.plant v. 种 n. 植物 2.water v. 浇水 n. 水 3.grow v. (grew/ grown)生长;长大 7.pot n. 盆;壶;瓶 6.sunshine n. 日光;阳光 5.itself pron. 它本身(自己) 8.poster n. 招贴;海报 10.seed n. 种子 9.bud n. 芽 11.soil n. 土;土壤 9.leaf n. 叶;树叶 10.roots n. 根 8.stem n. 茎;干 *Have you ever planted a seed? How do you plant a seed? *What does a plant need to grow? THINK ABOUT IT! 1.What is Wang Wei doing? 2.What colour does Li Ming use for the leaves and stems? She is making her poster. He uses green for the leaves and stems. 1.Would you like some markers? 1) would like “希望,想要” 2) Would you like…? Yes, please. / No, thanks. Would you like to do…? Yes, I’d like/ love to. 3) some 用于表示建议、请求的问句。 2.Buds grow into flowers. grow into “长成” e.g. Roots grow into plants. A boy grows into a man. 3.Would you please pass me the green marker? pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb. “递给某人某物” e.g.请递给我一些盐。 Please pass me some salt. =Please pass some salt to me. forget to do “忘记去做某事” forget doing “忘记做过某事” 4.Don’t forget to draw the sun. Ex. *He forgot_________ (close) the window, so he went back to close it again. *Don’t forget ________(close) the window before you leave. closing to close 5.After you plant a plant in a pot, what do you do next? plant v.种植 n.植物 plant a plant 种植物 e.g.Have you planted a tree ? e.g.There are many green plants in our school. Do you Know? work Their work is very hard, but they work very hard. water I need a lot of water to water the big tree. comb Jenny likes to comb with the beautiful comb. 他们的工作艰难,但是他们工作很努力。 詹妮喜欢用这把漂亮的梳子梳头。 我需要大量的水给这棵大树浇水。 How to plant a seed? A. Put it in the sun every day. B. Cover the seed with soil. C. Water the seed. D. Choose a seed and put it in a pot. _________________________________ D B C A 1.--Would you like to play football



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